Ep 3. Vertigo a Go-Go
- September 20, 2008
- 22 min
Grossology is an animated television series that follows the adventures of the superspy team consisting of siblings Abby and Ty, along with their friend Lab Rat. The trio works for the National GROSS (Government Residue and Odor Standard Services) agency and goes on missions to investigate and solve cases involving all things gross. From sneezes to burps, snot to vomit, nothing is too disgusting or gross for this team to handle.
Season 2 episode 3, Vertigo a Go-Go, takes the team on a mission to investigate a sudden outbreak of vertigo in a small town. People are experiencing dizziness and vomiting, and some have even fainted. The team suspects that something gross must be causing the symptoms, and they set out to investigate.
The team quickly discovers that a new amusement park has opened in town, and it is causing the symptoms. The amusement park features a new ride called the VertiGo, which spins people around in a giant wheel. It seems that the ride's speeds, smells, and sounds are triggering the vertigo symptoms.
To investigate, Abby, Ty, and Lab Rat go undercover as employees at the amusement park. They are tasked with cleaning the VertiGo ride during the park's off-hours, so they have the perfect opportunity to investigate the root cause of the problem.
Lab Rat collects samples of the ride's smells, sounds, and vibrations that he then analyzes in his lab. Abby and Ty, on the other hand, take on the task of cleaning the ride, which turns out to be a very gross job. They find vomit, hair, food, and other disgusting things on and around the ride.
As they investigate, the team discovers that the ride's spinning motion is causing the symptoms because it disrupts the inner ear, which is responsible for balance and spatial orientation. The ride's smells, sounds, and vibrations are making things worse, causing people to feel sick and dizzy.
In addition to the VertiGo ride, the team discovers that the amusement park's junk food is also contributing to the outbreak of vertigo. The food is greasy, high in sugar, and packed with artificial flavors and colors, which affects people's balance and well-being.
In the end, the team figures out a way to neutralize the ride's disruptive effects on the inner ear by altering the smells, sounds, and vibrations. They also convince the amusement park owner to provide healthier food options and educate visitors on the importance of eating healthy.
Throughout the episode, the team uses their scientific knowledge to solve the mystery and save the day. They explore the inner workings of the ear, analyze the chemical components of smells, and use various gadgets and tools to collect data and solve problems.
Grossology season 2 episode 3, Vertigo a Go-Go, is a fun and educational adventure that will teach kids about the science of the human body and the importance of healthy living. The show is filled with gross humor and interesting facts, making it a great watch for kids and adults alike.