Great Performances Season 49 Episode 3
Great Performances
Season 49

Ep 3. The Red Shoes

  • September 17, 2021
  • 7.4  (19)

The show Great Performances season 49 episode 3 titled "The Red Shoes" is a visually stunning ballet performance based on the classic fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. Choreographed by Matthew Bourne and performed by the world-renowned dance company New Adventures, this production of "The Red Shoes" tells the story of a young ballerina named Victoria Page who is torn between her love for dance and her love for a young composer named Julian Craster.

The ballet opens with a scene in which a troupe of traveling performers arrives in the small town where Victoria lives. Victoria is immediately captivated by the vibrant and charismatic company, especially by the company's director Boris Lermontov and his prima ballerina Irene. After watching the company rehearse a scene from their signature ballet "The Red Shoes," Victoria is offered an apprenticeship with the company.

As Victoria begins to work with the company, she quickly rises through the ranks and catches the eye of both Boris and Julian. However, her intense focus on her dancing begins to take a toll on her personal life. She becomes distant from Julian, who is working on a musical score for the company's new production of "The Red Shoes," and begins to neglect her relationship with him.

As the production of "The Red Shoes" approaches, tensions rise between Victoria, Boris, and Irene. Boris is determined to make Victoria the star of the show and pushes her to perform with more and more intensity. Irene, who has been the company's star ballerina for years, becomes jealous of Victoria's rising fame and begins to scheme against her.

The climax of the ballet comes during the performance of "The Red Shoes." Victoria takes on the lead role, but becomes consumed by her performance and falls into a trance-like state. She continues dancing even as her body begins to fail her, and ultimately dies on stage.

The performance of "The Red Shoes" is a feast for the eyes, with stunning sets and costumes by Lez Brotherston that transport the audience into the world of the ballet. The dance sequences, choreographed by Matthew Bourne, are a masterclass in storytelling through movement. The dancers expertly convey the emotions of the characters, from Victoria's exhilaration at joining the company to Irene's bitterness towards her younger rival.

The music, composed by Bernard Herrmann, is a haunting and evocative score that perfectly complements the action on stage. The set design, which includes a revolving stage and towering backdrops, creates a sense of constant movement and turmoil that mirrors the emotional turmoil of the characters.

Overall, "The Red Shoes" is a breathtaking ballet that tells a powerful story of ambition, love, and sacrifice. The performance by New Adventures is unforgettable, with each dancer bringing their own unique energy and personality to their roles. Whether you are a ballet aficionado or a newcomer to the art form, "The Red Shoes" is a must-see performance that will leave you dazzled and moved.

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  • First Aired
    September 17, 2021
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.4  (19)