Great Performances Season 49 Episode 2
Great Performances
Season 49

Ep 2. Verdi's Requiem: The Met Remembers 9/11

  • September 11, 2021
  • 8.5  (12)

Verdi's Requiem: The Met Remembers 9/11 is a moving tribute to the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks. This special performance, presented by Great Performances, features the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus, under the direction of conductor James Levine.

The program begins with a somber procession of first responders, carrying flags and images of their fallen comrades. The chorus then enters and sings the "Dies Irae," or "Day of Wrath," which sets the tone for the rest of the requiem.

The soloists, including soprano Maria Guleghina and tenor Salvatore Licitra, bring a sense of poignancy to the performance. The "Lacrimosa," or "Weeping," is particularly moving, with soloists and chorus singing in unison.

Throughout the performance, images of the World Trade Center towers and the aftermath of the attacks are projected onto a screen behind the orchestra. These images serve as a poignant reminder of the tragedy and give the performance an added depth of emotion.

Perhaps the most powerful moment of the performance comes during the "Libera Me," or "Deliver Me," when a solo trumpet plays "Taps" in tribute to the fallen. This moment is sure to bring tears to the eyes of even the most stoic viewer.

Overall, Verdi's Requiem: The Met Remembers 9/11 is a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to the victims of the September 11th attacks. The music, combined with the images of the aftermath, creates an experience that is both sobering and cathartic. This remembrance is a testament to the power of music to heal and provide comfort in the midst of tragedy.

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  • First Aired
    September 11, 2021
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.5  (12)