Good Morning Britain Season 7 Episode 27

Ep 27. 02/11/2020

  • February 11, 2020

Good Morning Britain season 7 episode 27, which aired on February 11th, 2020, is a morning talk show that covers news, interviews, and discussions on topical issues affecting the UK and beyond. Presented by Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid, the show features a range of guests and expert commentators, offering their insights and opinions on various topics of interest.

In this episode, the hosts kick off the show by discussing the latest news in the UK and around the world, including the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, Brexit negotiations, and the upcoming US Presidential election. They then speak to a number of guests, including politicians, journalists, and experts, to explore these topics in more detail and gain insights into the key issues at play.

One of the key interviews in this episode is with Irish political commentator Eoghan Harris, who joins the show to discuss the latest developments in the Brexit negotiations and what they mean for Ireland and the UK. Harris argues that while there is still a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the outcome of the negotiations, there are some positive signs that a workable solution may be possible.

The hosts also speak to a number of experts and commentators on the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, exploring the latest news and updates on the virus, the impact it is having on the global economy, and the measures being taken to contain its spread. They also discuss the controversial decision by the UK government to allow Chinese telecoms company Huawei to play a role in the country's 5G network, inviting a range of opinions on this issue from differing viewpoints.

In addition to these topical discussions, the show also features a segment on technology and innovation, exploring the latest trends and developments in this field and how they are likely to impact our lives in the future. They speak to a range of experts in the field, including scientists, futurists, and entrepreneurs, to gain insights into the latest innovations and what they could mean for society as a whole.

Overall, Good Morning Britain season 7 episode 27 is a fast-paced and engaging morning talk show that offers a range of insights into the latest news and topical issues. With its engaging hosts, diverse range of guests, and lively discussions, the show provides a valuable platform for exploring some of the most pressing issues facing the UK and the world today.

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  • First Aired
    February 11, 2020
  • Language