Good Morning Britain Season 7 Episode 22

Ep 22. 02/04/2020

  • February 4, 2020

Good Morning Britain Season 7 Episode 22, which aired on 2nd April 2020, was another exciting and riveting episode of the popular morning news and current affairs show hosted by Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid. The episode covered some of the most pressing issues in the UK and around the world, including the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the economy and people's livelihoods.

The show kicked off with a segment on the latest news and updates regarding the coronavirus outbreak. Piers and Susanna discussed the rising number of cases in the UK and the measures that were being taken by the government and healthcare officials to contain the spread of the virus. They also interviewed experts and medical professionals to get their insights and opinions on the situation.

In another segment, the hosts tackled the issue of panic buying and hoarding that had become rampant in many parts of the country as a result of the pandemic. They spoke to shoppers and retailers who gave their perspectives on why people were stockpiling essentials such as toilet paper and food items and discussed the impact this behavior was having on the supply chain and the availability of goods for those in need.

The topic of mental health also featured prominently in this episode, with the presenters speaking to experts and individuals who had been struggling with anxiety and stress as a result of the pandemic. They discussed coping mechanisms and strategies for dealing with the emotional toll of the crisis, and urged viewers to seek help if they needed it.

The show also featured some lighter segments, including interviews with celebrity guests and discussions about entertainment and sports news. Piers and Susanna spoke to singer Paloma Faith about her new album, and to former professional footballer Ian Wright about his experiences on reality TV show I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!

Overall, Good Morning Britain Season 7 Episode 22 was another informative and engaging installment of the popular morning show. With its mix of news, current affairs, and entertainment, it provided viewers with a comprehensive look at the issues affecting the UK and the world during these challenging times.

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  • First Aired
    February 4, 2020
  • Language