Good Morning Britain Season 7 Episode 2

Ep 2. 01/07/2020

  • January 7, 2020

Good Morning Britain is a breakfast show that airs on ITV and is presented by Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid. Season 7 episode 2 which aired on the 1st of July 2020 was a lively morning show that covered a variety of news, entertainment, and current affairs topics.

The show kicked off with Susanna presenting a segment on a new survey about the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The survey revealed that 71% of the British public felt that the government responded too slowly to the outbreak. This was followed by a report on the ongoing investigation into a hospital trust in England, where 11 women may have died as a result of maternity care failings.

The presenters then moved on to a discussion about the reopening of schools in September and whether or not it was safe to do so. A spokesperson for the National Education Union was interviewed and they expressed concern about the current government guidelines on social distancing. The presenters also interviewed a headteacher from London who shared their views on the steps schools were taking to keep children safe.

The show then moved on to a lighter topic, featuring an interview with the actress and comedian Dawn French, who spoke about her new book When I Grow Up. French discussed how the book, which is based on the diary she kept as a child, was a way of exploring her childhood dreams and aspirations.

The next topic was centered on the current state of tourism in the UK, with Piers interviewing the CEO of VisitBritain. They discussed the impact of the pandemic on the tourism industry, how it was affecting businesses and workers, and what could be done to help support the industry.

The show continued with a heated debate on the topic of face masks and whether they should be made mandatory. Piers presented arguments for and against the use of masks, while Susanna interviewed a member of the public who argued that masks should not be mandatory. The debate continued with input from experts on both sides of the issue.

The programme then shifted focus to an interview with the British boxer Anthony Joshua, who spoke about his upcoming fight against Kubrat Pulev, his training regime, and his thoughts on the Black Lives Matter movement. Joshua also spoke about his time in lockdown and how he’d used the time to reflect on his life and career.

The next segment featured an interview with the former Conservative MP, Amber Rudd, who spoke about being a female politician, the challenges she faced, and the importance of women in politics.

Towards the end of the programme, the presenters discussed a new study that revealed the risk of transmission of COVID-19 on public transport. They spoke to a transport expert who shared his views on the study and the measures being taken to make public transport safer.

The show ended on a positive note with the presenters unveiling a new mural in London, featuring portraits of a diverse group of key workers who had helped keep the city running during the pandemic.

Overall, Good Morning Britain season 7 episode 2 was a varied and engaging morning show that covered a range of topics. From serious news stories about the pandemic and the maternity care failings to lighter features like the interview with Dawn French and the unveiling of the new mural, the show kept viewers informed and entertained.

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  • First Aired
    January 7, 2020
  • Language