Ep 2. Pride and Prejudice
- October 14, 2016
- 55 min
8.6 (1,436)
Billy McBride is in a sorry state of affairs, what with spiraling down into an abyss of alcoholism and self-pity. Left jobless following his rift with his former law firm, McBride is now forced to scratch a living by chasing ambulances and frantically looking for cases to take on. But despite his dilapidated state, McBride's unerringly sharp mind helps him sniff out a potential case when an old friend, who's also a firefighter, approaches him for help. His boss, the fire chief, has been diagnosed with cancer and his requests for worker's compensation have been repeatedly turned down.
McBride surprises his friend by actually taking on his case and setting out to find out what's going on. He suspects that the fire chief's cancer may be linked to the use of certain chemicals that their firefighting equipment has been using. To gather evidence, McBride visits the local medical examiner, who helped diagnose the fire chief with cancer. However, he is blocked at every turn and is denied access to any relevant medical records.
Meanwhile, we are introduced to Donald Cooperman, the head honcho of the law firm that McBride used to work for. Cooperman seemed to really like McBride and believed that he was a great lawyer, so fans are left scratching their heads wondering why McBride was let go. Cooperman conferences with his number two, Tom Wyatt, and asks him to spy on McBride and find out what he's up to. Wyatt plays the role of a mole and meets up with McBride's assistant, Angela, to gather intel.
Using her charms, Angela gets Wyatt to spill the beans about what Cooperman is up to and how he plans to choke the life out of McBride. Wyatt then passes on a message from Cooperman to McBride: "stay away from our clients". But instead of backing down, McBride defiantly refuses to back off from the case and takes on the law firm's biggest client - a massive corporation that the firefighters suspect causes cancer.
In the end, McBride is forced to face his demons head-on and prove to himself that he's still got what it takes to go head to head with the bigwigs. The Pride and Prejudice episode of Goliath season 1 walks us through McBride's tenuous relationship with his past and shows us that he's still got the guts and the grit to take on the big guns.