Watch Gold Fever
- TV-14
- 2013
- 21 Seasons
8.3 (117)
Gold Fever is an exciting reality television show that aired on the Discovery Channel in 2013. The show follows the thrilling journey of a group of gold miners as they travel to remote locations in search of the precious metal. The cast is led by three skilled miners named Ryan Wesley Gilreath, Brian Ibsen, and Cameron Asay, who take on the challenge of navigating through difficult terrain and battling the elements to uncover hidden gold deposits.
The show features stunning cinematography that captures the natural beauty of the wilderness, while also showcasing the mechanics of modern day gold mining equipment. Viewers get an up-close look at the intense work that goes into extracting gold from the earth, including drilling, blasting, and using giant hydraulic excavators to dig through the soil. The miners use cutting-edge technology and their own ingenuity to maximize their yield, often working long hours in grueling conditions to achieve their goals.
Ryan Wesley Gilreath, Brian Ibsen, and Cameron Asay are the heart and soul of Gold Fever, and viewers quickly become invested in their stories. Ryan is a young, ambitious miner who dreams of striking it rich and making a name for himself in the industry. Brian is an experienced miner with a no-nonsense attitude and a deep knowledge of mining techniques. Cameron is an expert in heavy equipment operations, bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to the team. Together, they make a formidable crew, facing challenges head-on and never giving up in their pursuit of gold.
Throughout the season, the team travels to various locations in search of the precious metal, including the Yukon Territory in Canada and the deserts of Nevada. Each location brings its own unique challenges, from treacherous mountain ranges to harsh desert conditions. But the miners are always up for the challenge, working together to overcome obstacles and keep the gold flowing.
One of the most exciting elements of Gold Fever is the unpredictability of the mining process. Viewers never know what the team will discover next, whether it's a massive gold deposit or a patch of barren rock. The highs and lows of the mining experience are captured beautifully on screen, from the excitement of striking gold to the disappointment of coming up empty-handed.
Overall, Gold Fever is a thrilling and captivating show that provides a unique look into the world of modern-day gold mining. With its engaging cast, stunning visuals, and unparalleled access to the mining process, this show is a must-see for anyone interested in gold mining or the natural world in general. Whether you're a long-time fan of the Discovery Channel or just looking for an exciting new show to watch, Gold Fever is definitely worth checking out.
Gold Fever is a series that ran for 21 seasons (44 episodes) between October 11, 2013 and on Discovery Channel