Ep 1. Bounce Away Unicorn
- TV-G
- 22 min
Go Away Unicorn is a children's animated television series that follows the adventures of Alice, a young girl who finds herself living with a charming, yet annoying unicorn named Unicorn. The first episode of season 1, titled "Bounce Away Unicorn," introduces us to Alice and Unicorn's unique living situation and sets the stage for the shenanigans that are sure to ensue.
The episode opens with Alice explaining to the audience how she came to live with Unicorn. As it turns out, Alice was a big fan of unicorns and had made a wish to have one as a pet. Her wish came true, but she quickly realized that living with a unicorn wasn't quite as magical as she had imagined. Unicorn is loud, messy, and has a tendency to wreak havoc wherever he goes.
We soon see the chaos that Unicorn can cause firsthand when Alice invites her friend Ollie over to play. Unicorn, eager to join in on the fun, insists on playing a game of basketball with the kids. However, his over-enthusiasm quickly leads to disaster as he bounces around the room, knocking over furniture and breaking things left and right.
Alice and Ollie try to reign in Unicorn's wild energy but eventually give up and retreat to Alice's room to play a game of cards. Unicorn, feeling left out, decides to join them by creating his own version of the card game. This, of course, leads to more chaos as Unicorn's version involves using his magical powers to warp the cards and create bizarre game rules.
As the episode progresses, we see Alice and Ollie struggling to deal with Unicorn's antics. They realize that while Unicorn may be fun in small doses, living with him permanently is going to take some getting used to. However, they also come to appreciate the good qualities that Unicorn possesses. Despite his faults, he is kind-hearted and genuinely wants to make Alice and Ollie happy.
In the end, the three friends come up with a compromise that allows them to have fun without destroying Alice's house. They agree to take their game of basketball outside where Unicorn can bounce around to his heart's content. Alice and Ollie also agree to teach Unicorn some proper basketball skills so that he doesn't cause as much damage next time.
"Bounce Away Unicorn" is a great introduction to the world of Go Away Unicorn. The episode does an excellent job of setting up the show's premise and characters while also delivering plenty of laughs and fun. It's clear from the start that Alice and Unicorn are going to have a unique relationship, with Alice trying to wrangle the wild and unpredictable Unicorn into a somewhat normal life. The show's animation is bright and vibrant, and the voice acting is top-notch. Overall, it's an engaging and entertaining episode that both children and adults are sure to enjoy.