Gimme a Break! Season 6 Episode 10
Gimme a Break!
Season 6

Ep 10. Joey the Gambler

  • November 26, 1986
  •   (22)

Gimme a Break! season 6 episode 10, titled "Joey the Gambler," follows the beloved Nell Harper, who faces a new challenge as her foster son Joey, becomes addicted to gambling. Joey, who is usually level-headed, develops a dangerous habit of betting on games and events, and his addiction becomes increasingly worse.

Nell tries to help Joey overcome his addiction by intervening and offering him support and guidance, but her efforts seem to be in vain. Joey's addiction has already consumed him, and even her words of wisdom fall on deaf ears.

As Joey's addiction becomes more dominant, he starts to lose control of other key aspects of his life. He becomes increasingly irritable and aggressive towards his family, causing friction at home, and ultimately driving him to make impulsive decisions.

Nell and her family's attempt to help Joey is further amplified when he loses a substantial amount of money. He decides to steal but gets caught up in the moment when he realizes that he may not be able to keep up with his out of control spending.

As the story progresses, Nell reaches out to a gambling addiction support group for assistance. She discovers that Joey's gambling has spiraled out of control, and he has become a dangerous liability to himself and those around him.

To get Joey the help he needs, Nell turns to an unlikely ally in the form of an ex-gambler, who helps her understand Joey's addiction better. With the help of the support group, they work together to stage an intervention that aims at bringing Joey back to the light.

As the intervention progresses, Joey starts to understand the severity of his addiction and the impact it has on his loved ones. He comes to realize the harm he has done to himself and the people that care for him, and he makes a pledge to turn his life around for the better.

The episode has an uplifting message that is relatable to many people fighting their own addictions. It showcases the devastating effects of gambling on individuals and those around them, and the importance of seeking help when struggling with addiction.

Overall, Gimme a Break! season 6 episode 10 is an excellent episode that captures the seriousness of gambling addiction and the impact it can have on one's life. With relatable characters and a powerful message, it is a must-watch for anyone struggling with addiction or who has a loved one going through the same ordeal.

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  • First Aired
    November 26, 1986
  • Language