Ep 8. Upper Fruitland Curse
- June 24, 2017
- 42 min
8.7 (79)
The Ghost Adventures crew is back for their 18th season and they're investigating another allegedly haunted location in Upper Fruitland, located in Northwestern New Mexico. The episode begins with Zak Bagans, Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley, and Jay Wasley arriving at the site of their investigation, a privately owned property with a long and mysterious history.
According to legend, the area is cursed due to an ancient Navajo burial ground that was desecrated by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century. The curse is said to cause illness, death, and misfortune to anyone who disturbs the land. The current owner of the property has reported strange activity since moving in, including unexplained footsteps and voices, shadow figures, and objects moving on their own.
As the crew begins their investigation, they split up into smaller groups to cover the entire property. They use a variety of paranormal investigation tools, including cameras, audio recorders, and electromagnetic field (EMF) meters, to try and capture evidence of any supernatural activity. The crew also sets up static cameras throughout the property to capture any activity that occurs when they are not present.
During their investigation, they experience some eerie and unexplained events, including footsteps and strange noises. The team also claims to have captured several EVPs (electronic voice phenomena), which are believed to be the voices of ghosts or spirits that cannot be heard with the naked ear.
After reviewing their footage, the crew is convinced that they have captured evidence of paranormal activity. They present their findings to the property owner, who seems both terrified and relieved to finally have confirmation that the strange things she has been experiencing are not just in her head.
Overall, the Upper Fruitland Curse episode of Ghost Adventures is another intriguing look at the world of paranormal investigations. The crew's use of advanced technology and investigative techniques makes for a captivating episode, and their findings will have viewers questioning what really lies beyond the veil of the unknown.