Ep 5. Aftershocks: Bannack Ghost Town / Thornhaven Manor
- March 21, 2015
In Ghost Adventures season 13 episode 5, titled "Aftershocks: Bannack Ghost Town / Thornhaven Manor," the team takes a look back at two of their most chilling investigations.
The first location is Bannack Ghost Town in Montana, which the team originally investigated in season 4. This abandoned old mining town has a violent past, with stories of murders and hangings throughout its history. The Ghost Adventures crew sets out to investigate the town's most infamous location, the Meade Hotel.
In their initial investigation, the team encountered a very active spirit who seemingly followed them from room to room. They also captured an EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) in which a malevolent voice says, "I'm not done yet." During their return for the Aftershocks episode, they bring in local historian Marilyn DeLong to shed more light on the history of the town and the Meade Hotel.
The second location is Thornhaven Manor in Indiana, which was originally investigated in season 6. The historical home has a checkered past, with previous owners reportedly experiencing intense paranormal activity. The team goes back to investigate claims made by a current owner, who claims to be experiencing poltergeist activity and shadow figures.
During their initial investigation, the team captured some of their most compelling evidence, including a full-bodied apparition caught on camera and multiple EVPs. In the Aftershocks episode, the team is joined by psychic medium Cindy Kaza, who conducts a walk-through to help determine the cause of the current activity.
As the team revisits these two haunting locations, they reflect on the experiences they had during their initial investigation and the impact it had on them. The Aftershocks episode provides viewers with new insight into these two cases, as well as a deeper look into the Ghost Adventures crew's approach to investigating the paranormal.