Ep 10. Wild Bill's Post
- July 2, 2016
In the tenth episode of the tenth season of Ghost Adventures, the crew heads to Wild Bill's Post, a historic saloon in Virginia City, Nevada. The building has a sordid past, with rumors of murders, prostitution, and even a mass grave in the basement. The current owners, Joe and Erin, have experienced numerous unexplained occurrences, including the feeling of being watched, hearing disembodied voices, and objects moving on their own.
As the team begins their investigation, they immediately feel a heavy energy in the building. They interview Joe and Erin, who provide more details about their experiences, and then split up to cover different areas of the saloon. Zak, Aaron, and Jay focus on the basement, where they hope to find evidence of the rumored mass grave. They use a variety of equipment, including a Spirit Box and a thermal imaging camera, to try and make contact with any spirits who may be present.
During their investigation of the basement, the crew hears strange noises and footsteps, and Zak claims to see a shadow figure moving in the darkness. As they continue to explore, they discover a hidden room filled with old bottles and other artifacts. They feel a strong presence in the room and decide to conduct an EVP session, hoping to capture any voices on their recording equipment.
Meanwhile, Billy and Heather are investigating the main floor of the saloon. They set up a camera in one of the rooms where Erin has reported feeling a presence, and capture what appears to be a spirit peeking around a corner. They also hear unexplained noises, including a loud banging sound that seems to come from the ceiling.
As the investigation continues, Zak and Aaron head upstairs to the hotel rooms, where the crew has heard reports of ghostly activity. Zak immediately feels a strong presence and starts to get emotional, claiming that he is receiving messages from a spirit. They use a flashlight and a dowsing rod to try and communicate with the entity, and Zak becomes convinced that it is the ghost of a former prostitute.
Finally, the crew gathers to review their evidence and share their experiences. They capture several EVPs throughout the building, including what sounds like a woman's voice saying "help me". They also capture some interesting footage on their cameras, including what appears to be a shadow figure walking across a hallway. Overall, the team feels that Wild Bill's Post is highly active and haunted by multiple spirits.
In this exciting and spooky episode of Ghost Adventures, the crew takes on one of their most challenging investigations yet. With a history of violence and dark secrets, Wild Bill's Post proves to be a hotbed of paranormal activity. Fans of the show will be on the edge of their seats as Zak, Aaron, and the rest of the team confront the spirits that haunt this haunted saloon.