Ep 23. Food Goggles
- October 10, 2016
Future Worm! is an American animated television series that follows the adventures of a boy named Danny and his best friend, Future Worm. Together, they travel through time and space, meeting new friends and saving the universe from evil forces. In season 1 episode 23, titled "Food Goggles," Danny and Future Worm find themselves in a world where everything is made out of food.
As soon as Danny and Future Worm arrive in this delicious world, they put on their "food goggles," which allow them to see a food-based reality. The first thing they come across is a group of giant fruit trees, which they eagerly climb to pick some fruit. The fruit is amazing, but they soon realize that they can't eat too much of it, or they'll become sick.
Next, they come across a group of animal-shaped foods, including a deer made of marshmallows and a bear made of chocolate. The animals are friendly and eager to play, but Danny and Future Worm must be careful not to eat them accidentally.
As they continue exploring this food world, they discover a village made entirely out of bread. The villagers are friendly and invite Danny and Future Worm to join them for a feast. The feast includes all kinds of bread, from baguettes to croissants, and Danny and Future Worm can hardly contain themselves.
However, they soon realize that the bread is causing them to become sluggish and sleepy. They need to find a way to stay alert and awake if they expect to survive in this food world. That's when Danny remembers a recipe for a special energy drink that his grandmother used to make. The ingredients for the drink can be found in the food world, but they're spread out all over the place.
Danny and Future Worm set out to collect the ingredients for the energy drink. Along the way, they encounter several challenges, including a giant jelly monster and a maze made of cheese. They also meet a new friend, a talking carrot named Carl, who helps them find the final ingredient they need.
With all the ingredients in hand, Danny and Future Worm make the energy drink and take a sip. Instantly, they feel more awake and alert than ever before. They use their newfound energy to explore even more of the food world, discovering new and incredible things along the way.
Overall, "Food Goggles" is a fun and exciting episode of Future Worm! that showcases the show's trademark combination of humor, adventure, and heart. Danny and Future Worm face challenges and make new friends in a world that is both delicious and dangerous. Through it all, they remain true to themselves and to each other, proving that friendship and teamwork can overcome any obstacle.