Future Food Season 1 Episode 8
Future Food
Season 1

Ep 8. Edible Packaging

  • May 11, 2010

In Future Food season 1 episode 8, titled "Edible Packaging," the hosts explore the innovative world of sustainable packaging. With the use of cutting-edge technology, research and development teams are creating edible and biodegradable packaging alternatives to reduce waste and improve the environment. The hosts investigate a range of edible packaging options, including cups made of seaweed, fruit leather wrappers and edible cutlery made of rice. These inventive solutions are not only eco-friendly but also offer a unique sensory experience for consumers.

Throughout the episode, the hosts visit several companies that are making strides towards sustainable packaging, including Notpla, who have created packets made of seaweed to replace plastic sachets that pollute oceans and landfills. The hosts explore the process of making the seaweed-based sachets, discovering that they dissolve in water and can even be eaten as a nutritious and protein-rich snack. The team also visits Apeel Sciences, who are creating a protective coating to extend the shelf-life of fruit and vegetables, reducing food waste and plastic packaging.

In addition to exploring edible packaging options, the hosts also investigate biodegradable packaging solutions. They visit Ecovative, a company that produces mushroom-based packaging materials, as well as Skipping Rocks Lab, the creators of Ooho, a biodegradable water container made from seaweed extract.

To get a consumer's perspective on these innovative packaging options, the hosts attend an environmentally conscious food festival where vendors are using sustainable packaging solutions. They speak to attendees about their reactions to the edible packaging and biodegradable packaging options, discovering that consumers are open to trying new and eco-friendly packaging that offers a unique experience.

Throughout the episode, the hosts highlight the importance of reducing waste and using sustainable solutions in the food industry. They explore the potential impact that edible packaging and biodegradable packaging could have on the environment if adopted on a large scale. With the United Nations calling for "urgent and ambitious action" to reduce single-use plastics, Future Food's exploration of sustainable packaging is both timely and informative.

Overall, Future Food season 1 episode 8 offers a thought-provoking look at the future of packaging, highlighting the innovative solutions that could revolutionize the food industry. The episode provides insights into cutting-edge technology and research, showcases unique sensory experiences, and encourages viewers to consider their own environmental impact when making packaging decisions.

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  • First Aired
    May 11, 2010
  • Language