Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Season 3 Episode 31

Ep 31. Wed, Dec 12, 2018

  • TVMA
  • December 12, 2018

Samantha Bee returns in Full Frontal with another comedic take on politics, news, and current events. In season 3 episode 31, airing on Wed, Dec 12, 2018, Bee offers some sardonic commentary on the latest happenings in the realm of American politics. It’s a fresh new episode that is sure to give fans plenty of laughs, sharp insights, and rib-tickling moments.

As always, Bee dives deep into the biggest stories and controversies of the day with her trademark mix of wit, humor, and incisive analysis. On this week’s show, Bee puts a spotlight on some of the latest political happenings in Washington, including the ongoing saga of the Mueller investigation, the Trump administration’s decisions on immigration policy, and the ongoing drama of the Republican-controlled Congress.

Bee kicks things off with a segment on Mueller’s investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. As Bee notes, the investigation has dominated the news cycle for more than a year, and the public’s interest shows no signs of waning. Bee takes a closer look at some of the key figures in the investigation, including Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and Roger Stone. She also points out some of the most memorable moments from Mueller’s investigation, such as the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting and the “witch hunt” tweets from the President himself.

Moving on, Bee then sets her sights on the hot-button issue of immigration. With the Trump administration’s restrictive policies and inflammatory rhetoric dominating the headlines, Bee offers a humorous but poignant take on why immigration is such a contentious issue in America today. She looks at the facts and figures surrounding immigration, such as the fact that immigrants contribute billions of dollars to the US economy each year, and argues that a more compassionate and pragmatic approach is needed to truly solve the problem.

Finally, Bee rounds out the show with some commentary on the state of Congress and the Republican party. She notes that despite controlling both the Senate and the House of Representatives, the GOP has failed to deliver on many of its key promises, from infrastructure reform to healthcare to tax cuts. She also touches on some of the more bizarre moments from the current Congress, such as the infamous “covfefe” tweet from the President and the repeated attempts by GOP lawmakers to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Overall, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee season 3 episode 31 is a must-see for fans of the show and anyone who’s looking for a fresh and irreverent take on politics and current events. Bee’s combination of satire, humor, and insightful analysis is sure to leave viewers both entertained and informed. So tune in, and let Samantha Bee help you make sense of the crazy world of American politics!

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  • First Aired
    December 12, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Language