Ep 5. Pebble Pox Blues
- February 7, 1984
- 24 min
Pebble Pox Blues is the fifth episode of the third season of Fraggle Rock. The episode kicks off with Boober coming down with a case of Pebble Pox, a highly contagious disease that is well known in the Fraggle Rock community. Boober is confined to his bed and is being taken care of by Red and Mokey, who are doing their best to make him comfortable. However, due to the contagiousness of the disease, none of the other Fraggle Rock residents are allowed to visit Boober.
Wembley, who is Boober's closest friend, is feeling quite down and helpless since he can't visit Boober. He decides to go and seek advice from the Trash Heap, who tells him that he needs to accept that he cannot make Boober well or change the situation. Rather, he needs to find a way to make himself feel better, which will ultimately have a positive impact on Boober.
As Wembley is leaving the Trash Heap, he comes across a group of Doozer children who are playing a game of "I Spy." Wembley joins in and soon forgets about his worries and his sadness lifts. He finds himself caught up in the game, and the children are thrilled to have him as a player.
Over in Boober's cave, Red and Mokey are finding it increasingly difficult to keep Boober entertained, especially since he is not allowed to leave his bed. They try reading books and singing songs, but nothing seems to cheer Boober up. Eventually, they come up with an idea to have Boober make a list of things he would like to do once he is feeling better. Boober becomes excited and begins to share his list with his friends.
Meanwhile, Wembley has decided to create a surprise for Boober. Using a pebble he found on the ground, Wembley decides to paint it and decorate it with glitter. He plans to give it to Boober once he is feeling better and tells the other Fraggle Rock residents about his plan.
As the episode comes to a close, Wembley takes his pebble into Boober's cave while Red and Mokey are out gathering more books for Boober to read. When they return, they are surprised to find that Boober is feeling better and is now sitting up in bed. Boober tells them about his list and how excited he was to start feeling better so he could do all the things he had been dreaming of. Wembley then presents Boober with his sparkly pebble, which puts a big smile on his face.
In the end, Pebble Pox Blues teaches the importance of finding ways to stay positive and hopeful, even in difficult situations. While Boober was sick, his friends were able to find ways to keep his spirits up and bring him little bits of joy. And, in turn, Boober's positive attitude helped him to recover more quickly.