FOX News Reporting Season 7 Episode 7

Ep 7. Clinton's Left Turn: A Political Insiders Special

  • July 23, 2016

Clinton's Left Turn: A Political Insiders Special is an episode from the seventh season of FOX News Reporting that takes an in-depth look into the political strategies of Hilary Clinton, particularly in her shift towards the left of the Democratic Party. The show presents interviews with political insiders, policymakers, and analysts to shed light on Clinton's progressive campaign and analyze the implications it had on her political career and the broader political landscape.

The episode begins by highlighting the political shift in the Democratic Party towards strongly progressive views, including support for Medicare-for-all, free college education, and climate activism. It shows how Clinton, who had earlier held more centrist views, embraced these progressive causes during her 2016 presidential campaign, to the surprise of many.

The show then delves into the reasons why Clinton made this move, looking at her shifting base of supporters and the influence of progressive figures like Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Elizabeth Warren. It also examines the role of her campaign advisors, who urged her to adopt progressive policies and court left-leaning voters.

To provide a comprehensive analysis of Clinton's political shift, the show interviews a range of experts from leading news organizations to veteran campaigners and scholars. These include political commentator Marc Thiessen, Campaign for America's Future co-director Robert Borosage, and former Clinton campaign advisor Tracy Sefl.

FOX News Reporting also looks at the impact of Clinton's left turn on the Democratic Party and the broader political climate. The show explores how Clinton sought to appeal to younger voters and minority groups by embracing progressive policies, as well as the backlash from the more moderate wing of the Democratic Party.

In addition to the analysis of Clinton's political shift, the episode also examines her political career more broadly. It features highlights from her early days as an advocate for children's rights and her time as First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State. It also provides insight into the controversies that surrounded her campaign, including the Benghazi attack and her use of a private email server for official communications.

Overall, Clinton's Left Turn: A Political Insiders Special is a thought-provoking episode that offers an inside look at the political strategies of one of the most significant figures in contemporary American politics. Through careful analysis and expert interviews, it highlights the nuances and complexities of Clinton's leftward shift and provides valuable insights into the changing political landscape of the United States.

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  • First Aired
    July 23, 2016
  • Language