Fortune Cat Lucy

Watch Fortune Cat Lucy

  • 2012
  • 1 Season

Fortune Cat Lucy is a Japanese anime series that revolves around the life of a young girl called Lucy. Lucy is a high school student who has a great passion for cats. She is always surrounded by cats and spends most of her free time volunteering at the local cat shelter. Her love for cats is so intense that she can communicate with them, even though she is not a cat herself.

One day, Lucy stumbles upon a strange cat statue while on her way to school. When she touches the statue, it suddenly comes to life and transforms into a talking cat called Felis. Felis introduces herself as the Fortune Cat and tells Lucy that she has been chosen to be her guardian. Felis informs Lucy that she will help her achieve her dreams, but in return, Lucy has to help Felis collect cat souls.

Lucy is shocked and skeptical at first, but after Felis explains that it's her mission to help cats who have died and haven't passed on, she decides to accept her offer to become her partner in this mission. Together, Lucy and Felis embark on a journey to find wandering cat souls and help them pass on peacefully.

As the series progresses, Lucy and Felis encounter many cats with different stories and lives. From abandoned kittens to street cats, Lucy learns about their struggles and helps them find peace. Along the way, she also gains insight into the deeper meaning of life, death and the role of cats in human society.

The show is filled with heartwarming moments, as well as intense and emotional scenes. We get to see Lucy grow as a person and learn to overcome her fears and doubts. She also learns to work with Felis as a team and develops a deep bond with her.

The animation style of Fortune Cat Lucy is stunning, with beautiful colors and vivid landscapes. The character designs are unique and expressive, and each cat has its own distinct personality that shines through their appearance and behavior.

The music of the show is also noteworthy. The soundtrack includes a mix of upbeat, cheerful tunes and soulful, melancholic melodies that perfectly reflect the emotions of each scene.

Overall, Fortune Cat Lucy is a beautiful and touching anime that explores the relationship between humans and cats in a unique and insightful way. It teaches us about the importance of compassion, empathy, and understanding, while also providing us with a heartfelt and entertaining story.

Fortune Cat Lucy is a series that ran for 1 seasons (12 episodes) between January 5, 2012 and on J-Edge

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When You See an Upright-Floating Tea Stalk.
12. When You See an Upright-Floating Tea Stalk.
January 5, 2012
Three years later, Yo's fortune-telling business is successful, along with his two cats! Yo and Miki's child is now three years old and doing well. The fortune teller Sato stops by and asks Yo to tell his fortune. As Yo is telling his fortune, Sato says that he reminds him of Yo's father. As Lucy brought his dad good fortune, Lu and Cy have also brought the same for Yo and his family.
When You Clip Your Nails at Night.
11. When You Clip Your Nails at Night.
January 5, 2012
Yo's fortune telling is going well, and he has even established his own store-front; although, he's only had three customers so far. His mother reminds him that he needs to get it together before his baby arrives. As Yo is telling a customer's fortune, he receives a call about Miki...
When You Don't Store the Doll Stand...
10. When You Don't Store the Doll Stand...
January 5, 2012
Yo participates in a Fortune Teller Event. However, it turns out to be a complete failure for him. Even after telling his mother's fortune for her, his teacher is unhappy with his telling and tells him to quit school.
When You Hear Lightning.
9. When You Hear Lightning.
January 5, 2012
Yo meets up with his classmate from school, Kaori. She is a very blunt and straightforward person who thinks fortune telling is a waste of time. Perhaps he should get his kittens to help him convince her otherwise...
When You Sneeze.
8. When You Sneeze.
January 5, 2012
Miki, still frustrated with Yo for not proposing, asks him to read her fortune. Yo reads her fortune but doesn't go beyond that. Miki tells him that when his dad read her, he used to put more passion into it. His dad used to say that Lucy helped him understand the customer's feelings more. Upon telling her fortune again, something unexpected happens...
When Your Teeth Fall Out.
7. When Your Teeth Fall Out.
January 5, 2012
Yo still hasn't proposed to Miki, and she begins to worry. The kittens get sick while Yo is away, and he tells Miki to be more careful with them; this just adds to Miki's stress. Yo decides to bring the kittens to school the next day, and his teacher is reminded of Yo's father. The teacher tells Yo that Black Cat Fortune Telling is cheating. Yo is hurt by these words.
When a Cat Grooms.
6. When a Cat Grooms.
January 5, 2012
Yo meets up the fortune teller who helped name the kittens. It turns out that his mom is actually familiar with this fortune teller; he was actually Yo's father's disciple. Yo's mother explains that his father had patented the name Black Cat Fortune Teller, and only Yo could continue to use it. Will Yo fulfill his father's legacy?
When You Whistle.
5. When You Whistle.
January 5, 2012
Yo still can't get over the fact he hates his father and blames the black kitten's for him not being able to find a job. He gets frustrated and yells at them to get out. After Lu and Cy leave, Yo and his neighbors get worried and decide to look for them. Where did the kittens run off to?
When You Sleep Right After a Meal.
4. When You Sleep Right After a Meal.
January 5, 2012
Yo pays his mother a hospital visit but is unable to break the news to her about expecting a grandchild. Miki tells him that he should also go see her parents, but with no job to support their daughter, Yo is hesitant. With the kittens suddenly getting sick, Yo needs a job now more than ever.
When You See a Shooting​ Star.
3. When You See a Shooting​ Star.
January 5, 2012
Yo is still struggling to find a job while the pregnancy leaves Miki being very stressed out lately. They make a temple visitation to ask for guidance on what they should name their child... Miki also suggests that, while they're at it, a visit to a fortuneteller might also help them decide on names for the kittens.
When a Shoelace Breaks.
2. When a Shoelace Breaks.
January 5, 2012
Yo doesn't know what to do with the kittens, but takes them to the vet, where he is told to care for them because he is all the kittens have. On the way home, his shoelace breaks. He recalls his mother telling him that his father believed broken shoelaces were bad omens. He then gets a call from his girlfriend saying that she is allergic to cats... and is now pregnant.
When a Black Cat Crosses.
1. When a Black Cat Crosses.
January 5, 2012
Yo returns to his hometown to find that his mother has been hospitalized. Upon returning to his house, he finds several black kittens on his bed. He is against the idea of keeping these kittens since his dad used to own a black cat. However, he ends up taking care of them. He then suddenly receives a call from his boss and subsequently gets fired. Are black cats really bad luck?
Where to Watch Fortune Cat Lucy
Fortune Cat Lucy is available for streaming on the J-Edge website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Fortune Cat Lucy on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    January 5, 2012