Technology Season 2 Episode 14

Ep 14. Creating Cybersecurity Strategy in the Age of Wikileaks

  • Not Rated
  • September 27, 2012

In Technology season 2 episode 14, viewers are taken on a deep dive into the world of cybersecurity strategy in the age of Wikileaks. With the constant threat of cyber attacks, it has become increasingly important for companies and organizations to have a robust cybersecurity plan in place. This episode features experts in the field who offer valuable insights into the various challenges that organizations face while creating such a plan.

The episode covers a wide range of topics, including the role of government regulations in shaping cybersecurity policies for companies, the importance of understanding cyber threats, and the need for securing data in modern times. The guests discuss various real-life scenarios, such as the Equifax data breach and the Sony Pictures cyber attack, to offer a nuanced understanding of the different types of cyber threats that exist.

One key issue that the experts discuss in this episode is the difficulty of staying ahead of cybercriminals who are constantly evolving their tactics to gain unauthorized access to confidential information. They delve into the importance of comprehensive training and education for employees to ensure that they are aware of the latest cybersecurity threats and how they can protect themselves and their organization from such threats.

Another significant focus of this episode is the question of who is responsible for cybersecurity. Is it solely the responsibility of the IT department, or do business leaders also have a crucial role to play in creating a secure environment? The experts provide a range of perspectives on this issue and offer practical tips on how organizations can ensure that everyone within the company is invested in maintaining robust cybersecurity practices.

Overall, Creating Cybersecurity Strategy in the Age of Wikileaks is an insightful and informative episode that explores the complexities of cybersecurity in today's digital age. Whether you are a business leader, an IT professional, or simply concerned about protecting your personal information online, this episode is a must-watch. With expert analysis and practical advice, it provides valuable insights into the evolving world of cybersecurity and offers tools and strategies for safeguarding against cyber threats.

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  • First Aired
    September 27, 2012
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Language