Floogals Season 1 Episode 27
Season 1

Ep 27. Project Tent

  • February 22, 2016
  • 11 min

Three tiny aliens from the planet Floog, Bo, Fleeker and Flo, have landed on Earth in a quest to learn about the planet's inhabitants. In this episode, the trio sets out to build their own tent for a sleepover. They observe the human family's camping gear and become inspired to create their own shelter.

The Floogals start their tent-building project by gathering materials, such as twigs and leaves, from the backyard. They then take measurements of their bodies to determine the size of the tent and begin constructing the structure by weaving the materials together.

As they work, the Floogals encounter several challenges along the way, such as the wind knocking over their tent and a group of ants invading their workspace. However, each challenge presents an opportunity for the Floogals to problem-solve and come up with new solutions.

Meanwhile, the human family is also roasting marshmallows and having a good time around their own tent. The Floogals see this and become determined to finish their tent in time for their own sleepover under the stars.

After several failed attempts and setbacks, the Floogals finally complete their tent, and they are proud of their creation. They crawl inside and imagine the adventures they will have during their first night in the tent.

As the night settles in, the Floogals learn that camping can be an exciting and challenging experience. However, they also realize the importance of perseverance and teamwork as they work together to overcome obstacles and achieve their goal.

Overall, "Project Tent" is an adventurous and fun-filled episode that teaches the value of problem-solving and working as a team to achieve a goal. Viewers of all ages will enjoy watching the Floogals' journey and the antics that ensue.

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  • First Aired
    February 22, 2016
  • Runtime
    11 min
  • Language