Watch Fifth Ward
- 2018
- 2 Seasons
Fifth Ward is a gritty drama series that explores the lives of people living in the titular Fifth Ward neighborhood in Houston, Texas. The show premiered on Urban Movie Channel and stars Mya Harrison and Gary Sturgis, among others. Set in the early 2000s, Fifth Ward follows several characters as they navigate the challenges of everyday life in a low-income neighborhood. The show touches on themes of poverty, crime, family, and the struggle for a better life. Throughout the series, viewers get a glimpse into the lives of those who are often overlooked or forgotten in mainstream media.
One of the show's main storylines follows a young man named Ray Ray (played by Christopher Jefferson) as he tries to escape the gang life and provide for his family. He finds himself caught between the allure of fast money and the desire to do right by his loved ones. Ray Ray's story is emblematic of many young people in Fifth Ward who face difficult choices as they try to make their way in life.
Another pivotal character in the series is Mina (played by Mya Harrison), a single mother who is trying to provide for her daughter while dealing with her own personal demons. Mina has a complicated history with her abusive ex-boyfriend Isaac (played by Carl Anthony Payne), who is also a central character in the show. Isaac's presence in Mina's life creates tensions and drama that regularly spill over into their community.
Along with Ray Ray and Mina, Fifth Ward features an ensemble cast of memorable characters, each with their own struggles and triumphs. There's Ed (played by Gary Sturgis), a community activist who runs a local community center and strives to create positive change in Fifth Ward. There's also Thug (played by Nephew Tommy), a streetwise hustler who has a knack for getting himself into trouble.
Despite the show's sometimes bleak subject matter, Fifth Ward is ultimately a story of hope and resilience. The characters may face numerous obstacles, but they continue to struggle and survive, sometimes finding moments of joy amidst the hardship. The show is a testament to the strength and resiliency of communities in the face of adversity.
The writing and acting in Fifth Ward are both top-notch, with a skilled ensemble cast bringing the characters to life in a believable and compelling way. The show's production values are also impressive, with the gritty yet vibrant neighborhood of Fifth Ward providing a rich backdrop for the action.
All in all, Fifth Ward is a powerful and important drama that shines a light on a community often overlooked by mainstream media. The show's willingness to delve into difficult topics and explore the human side of poverty and crime is refreshing and commendable. Anyone looking for a gritty drama that tackles serious themes will find much to appreciate in Fifth Ward.