Ep 13. The Forbidden Feast of Madness
- TV14
- December 24, 2011
- 26 min
In the thirteenth episode of the first season of Fate/Zero, titled "The Forbidden Feast of Madness," the masters and servants of the Holy Grail War gather for a evening banquet hosted by the Einzbern family. While on the surface it may seem like a moment of respite from the ongoing conflict, tensions continue to simmer beneath the surface as each participant in the war strategizes and plots their next move.
The episode opens with some beautiful shots of the Einzbern castle where the banquet is being held. The Einzberns have pulled out all the stops to create a lavish feast, with exotic dishes and rare wines aplenty. The servants and masters are dressed in their finest attire, and everyone seems to be in a festive mood. However, the scene is quickly set for some more ominous developments as we see a silver-haired woman walking through the castle's dark corridors, looking troubled.
As the guests begin to arrive, it's clear that there are some who are more apprehensive about the situation than others. Saber and Irisviel are both uneasy about the fact that the Einzberns are seemingly trying to manipulate the outcome of the war, while Rider is more focused on enjoying the feast and bonding with his fellow participants.
As the night goes on, the characters begin to engage in conversations and debates regarding their philosophies and beliefs. Some of these conversations are more lighthearted than others - we see Waver trying to make small talk with Kiritsugu, for example - but there are also moments of real tension and drama.
Perhaps the most striking conversation of the night takes place between Archer and Kirei. The two men discuss their respective desires - for Archer, it's to live a life of luxury and indulgence, while for Kirei, it's about finding a sense of purpose and fulfillment. As they talk, it becomes clear that there is an intense fascination and even attraction between them, which only adds to the general sense of unease in the room.
As the night wears on, the banquet becomes more and more elaborate, with extravagant entertainment and performances. However, things take a turn for the truly bizarre when some of the dishes being served start to become more... questionable. Without giving away too much, let's just say that there are some moments of true horror that transpire during this episode.
Ultimately, "The Forbidden Feast of Madness" sets up some major conflicts and reveals some key information that will come into play as the Holy Grail War enters its final stages. It's an intense, unsettling episode that showcases some of the show's most powerful writing and character interactions.