Ep 3. Bem-vindo ao Rio
- October 9, 2020
Bem-vindo ao Rio, the third episode of season 2 of Fast & Furious: Spy Racers takes the audience to Rio de Janeiro. The episode starts with the team, including Tony, Echo, Frostee, and Megan, preparing themselves for their mission in Rio. Carmen tells them that their target is a high-tech drone that can hack the world’s navigation systems. The drone belongs to the criminal organization called Sh1ft3r, and they have plans to use it for their criminal activities.
As soon as they land in Rio, they are greeted by Tulio, an old friend of Tony's and a member of the Rio branch of the Spy Racers. Tulio shows them around the city and tells them that Sh1ft3r is a powerful organization in Rio and operates in the favelas, the slum areas. They also learn that Sh1ft3r is looking for a new recruit to help them in their mission, and they suspect that the person they are looking for is an exceptional hacker.
The team's first mission is to rescue a hacker named Felipe from the clutches of Sh1ft3r. Felipe is a free-spirited hacker who loves to party, and they find him at a rave party in one of the favelas. They manage to get Felipe out of the party but not without drawing attention to themselves. The team is chased by Sh1ft3r's drones and cars, and they have to use their racing skills to escape from them.
After escaping from Sh1ft3r's clutches, Felipe tells the team that he knows the person Sh1ft3r is looking for, and the person is none other than Tulio's sister, Isabella. Felipe is smitten by Isabella and wants to impress her by hacking into Sh1ft3r's system. The team realizes that they have to use this opportunity to get close to Sh1ft3r and find out more about their plans.
The team decides to help Felipe, and they plan to use Isabella as bait to get her into Sh1ft3r's headquarters. Tulio is against this plan, but the team convinces him that this is the best way to catch Sh1ft3r. Isabella reluctantly agrees to the plan, and the team stages a chase with her and Felipe on a motorcycle, trying to outrun Sh1ft3r's drones.
The chase ends at Sh1ft3r's headquarters, and Isabella manages to hack into their system. However, they are caught by Sh1ft3r, and the team is forced to fight their way out of their headquarters. They manage to escape, but Sh1ft3r's drones follow them. The team then uses their racing skills to outrun the drones and reach a safe place.
The episode ends with the team learning that Sh1ft3r has a new target, which is a satellite that can track all the world's ships. They suspect that Sh1ft3r has plans to use the satellite for their criminal activities.
Bem-vindo ao Rio is an action-packed episode that brings the excitement of Fast & Furious to the small screen. The beautiful city of Rio de Janeiro sets the perfect backdrop for the team's mission, and the chase scenes are thrilling. The episode also introduces new characters, such as Tulio and Felipe, and it will be interesting to see how they develop in the coming episodes. With every episode, Fast & Furious: Spy Racers keeps getting better and is a must-watch for fans of the franchise.