Ep 7. Farscape: S1 E7 - I, E.T.
- May 7, 1999
- 48 min
John Crichton, the sole human aboard the living spacecraft Moya, is the focus of this week's episode of Farscape. In "I, E.T.," viewers see Crichton's ongoing struggle to adjust to life in space, and his ongoing quest to find a way back to Earth. However, things take a turn when he encounters an alien creature that appears to have the ability to grant wishes.
At the start of the episode, Crichton is feeling particularly low. He's struggling with the language barriers that exist between himself and the non-human members of Moya's crew, and he's missing his home planet of Earth more than ever. His mood isn't improved when he's sent on a mission to fetch supplies from a nearby planet, accompanied only by the hyperactive alien sidekick Rygel.
When they arrive on the planet's surface, Crichton encounters a strange, tentacled creature that seems to communicate telepathically. The creature refers to itself as "Pilot," and it tells Crichton that it has the ability to grant wishes. Crichton is understandably skeptical, but he decides to test Pilot's claim by wishing for a cheeseburger. To his surprise, Pilot delivers a burger that tastes just like the ones he used to enjoy back on Earth.
From there, things escalate quickly. Crichton starts taking advantage of Pilot's wish-granting powers, requesting everything from a sports car to a limitless supply of beer. However, the other members of Moya's crew soon become suspicious of Crichton's newfound wealth and success, and they begin to investigate. They soon discover that Pilot's powers come with a heavy cost, one that threatens to tear the crew apart.
As always, Farscape manages to blend action, drama, and humor into a satisfying whole. "I, E.T." is a standout episode that showcases the show's unique blend of sci-fi weirdness and human emotion. Crichton is at once vulnerable and resourceful, and his interactions with the other characters on Moya are always compelling. Meanwhile, the alien creatures that populate the show's universe continue to impress with their otherworldly designs and behaviors.
In addition to the main storyline, "I, E.T." also touches on themes of addiction, power, and greed. Crichton quickly becomes addicted to Pilot's ability to grant wishes, and it doesn't take long for him to misuse that power for his own gain. Meanwhile, the other characters on Moya are forced to confront their own desires and fears in the face of the temptation that Pilot offers.
Ultimately, "I, E.T." is a memorable episode that explores some of the show's key themes while still managing to be entertaining and action-packed. It serves as a prime example of just why Farscape has managed to attract such a dedicated fanbase over the years, and it's sure to leave viewers eager to see what the series has in store next.