In Faerie Tale Theatre's second episode, viewers are treated to a retelling of the classic fairy tale "Rumpelstiltskin." This imaginative tale follows a young Miller's daughter who is put to the ultimate test when her father boasts to the King that she can spin straw into gold. When the poor girl finds herself locked in a room full of straw with no hope of escaping her fate, a little man with magical powers, Rumpelstiltskin, appears offering his help in exchange for something of great value.
The whimsical story is brought to life on screen with an all-star cast, featuring Shelley Duvall as the Miller's daughter and Ned Beatty as the greedy King. The episode also boasts an impressive performance from Hervé Villechaize, who adds a mischievous twist to the beloved character of Rumpelstiltskin.
As the Miller's daughter struggles to keep up with Rumpelstiltskin's demands, her loyalty and strength are put to the test. With each passing night, the stakes get higher and the ultimate sacrifice looms closer. The young woman must find a way to outsmart the devious Rumpelstiltskin before it's too late.
The set design and costumes in this episode are truly magical, transporting viewers to a vibrant and mystical world. The stunning visuals, combined with the colorful characters and witty dialogue, make for an engaging and enchanting viewing experience.
Faerie Tale Theatre's "Rumpelstiltskin" is a timeless classic that will delight audiences of all ages. This episode is a perfect example of the series' ability to breathe new life into well-known tales while still staying true to their original essence. With its charming cast, dazzling visuals, and heartwarming message, it's easy to see why this show has become a beloved classic in its own right. Viewers will surely find themselves spellbound by this delightful retelling of a beloved fairy tale.
CastNed BeattyShelley DuvallHervé VillechaizeHervé VillechaizeNed Beatty
First AiredOctober 16, 1982
Content RatingNot Rated
IMDB Rating6.8 (207)
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