Watch Extraordinary Dogs
- 2016
- 1 Season
Extraordinary Dogs is a heartwarming and fascinating television show produced by Animal Planet. The show, which aired in 2011, follows various dogs and their owners as they tackle a variety of challenging situations. Each episode focuses on a different group of canines and their handlers, from search and rescue dogs to therapy animals and everything in between.
Throughout the series, viewers are introduced to a wide range of dog breeds and their unique talents. One episode might feature a team of border collies working together to herd sheep, while another might showcase a pack of bloodhounds using their keen sense of smell to track missing persons. The show explores how dogs are trained for their respective jobs and how they work alongside their human partners to achieve their goals.
One particularly poignant episode of Extraordinary Dogs focuses on therapy dogs, who visit hospitals and other care facilities to bring comfort to patients. Viewers meet several dogs and their owners as they demonstrate the amazing impact these animals have on people's lives. From lifting the spirits of children undergoing cancer treatment to reducing stress in elderly patients with dementia, therapy dogs are shown to be integral members of healthcare teams.
Another episode of the show features military working dogs, who are trained to assist in a variety of tasks such as detecting explosives and performing search-and-rescue operations. Viewers witness the rigorous training regimen that these dogs undergo and get a glimpse into their daily routines alongside their handlers in the military.
In addition to showcasing the unique abilities of various dog breeds, Extraordinary Dogs also explores the deep bonds formed between humans and their four-legged companions. Viewers are treated to heartwarming stories of owners who go to great lengths to protect and care for their dogs, often forming a relationship that goes far beyond that of a typical pet and owner.
One standout episode of the show focuses on a man by the name of Greg Mahle, who runs a non-profit organization called Rescue Road Trips. The organization rescues dogs from high-kill shelters around the country and transports them to homes and shelters in other states where they are more likely to be adopted. Viewers follow Mahle as he embarks on a grueling 3,400-mile journey across the country to deliver dozens of dogs to their new homes. Along the way, the show highlights the incredible resilience of these animals, as well as the dedication of people like Mahle who are working to make a difference in the lives of dogs in need.
Overall, Extraordinary Dogs is a must-watch show for anyone who loves dogs or is interested in learning more about the incredible things these animals can do. Through a combination of stunning cinematography and captivating storytelling, the show offers a unique glimpse into the lives of some of the world's most incredible canines and the people who cherish them. Whether you're a long-time dog owner or just a casual animal lover, this show is sure to leave you feeling inspired and uplifted.
Extraordinary Dogs is a series that ran for 1 seasons (11 episodes) between February 14, 2016 and on Animal Planet