Explorer Season 3 Episode 13
Season 3

Ep 13. Inside Sumo

  • January 30, 2008

Inside Sumo is the thirteenth episode of the third season of the popular TV show, Explorer. The episode takes you on a fascinating journey through the world of sumo wrestling, one of the oldest and most traditional sports in Japan.

Sumo wrestling is a sport that has been around for centuries, and is deeply rooted in Japanese culture. It is a sport that requires a great deal of strength, skill, and agility. In this episode of Explorer, viewers will get an opportunity to see up close how the sport is played, and get a glimpse into the lives of the wrestlers who compete in it.

The episode kicks off with footage of some of Japan's most famous sumo wrestlers getting ready to compete in a tournament. The wrestlers are seen going through their pre-match rituals, which include taking a salt bath to purify themselves and tossing salt into the ring to ward off evil spirits.

As the tournament gets underway, viewers will get to see just how intense and physical the sport of sumo wrestling can be. The wrestlers are huge and incredibly powerful, and they use their bodies to push and shove their opponents out of the ring.

One of the most fascinating aspects of sumo wrestling is the wrestlers' diets. In order to maintain their massive size and strength, they consume huge amounts of food every day, including hearty stews, fish, and rice. Explorer takes viewers behind the scenes of a sumo meal and shows just how much food these athletes consume in a single sitting.

Another interesting aspect of sumo wrestling is the mental and emotional preparation required of the wrestlers. They must remain focused and centered, even in the face of intense pressure and competition. Viewer will get a glimpse of the mental training techniques that sumo wrestlers use to stay calm and composed.

Of course, no discussion of sumo wrestling would be complete without addressing the role of women in the sport. Sumo wrestling is a male-dominated sport, but there are women who are deeply involved in the sport. In Inside Sumo, viewers will get a chance to meet some of these women, including a female sumo wrestler who is pushing back against the sport's gender barriers.

Overall, Inside Sumo is a captivating and eye-opening look at one of Japan's most fascinating sports. The episode offers a rare glimpse into the world of sumo wrestling and introduces viewers to the incredible athletes who compete in it. Whether you're a sports fan or just curious about Japanese culture, Inside Sumo is definitely an episode you won't want to miss.

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  • First Aired
    January 30, 2008
  • Language