Expedition Wild Season 1 Episode 12
Expedition Wild
Season 1

Ep 12. Southwest Species on the Brink

  • Not Rated
  • February 1, 2014

In season 1, episode 12 of Expedition Wild, titled "Southwest Species on the Brink," wildlife expert Casey Anderson sets his sights on the Southwest region of the United States to explore the diverse range of endangered species living there. Anderson works to bring awareness to the importance of preserving these habitats for the animals and their ecosystems.

During the episode, Anderson highlights several different species that are currently facing extreme endangerment. He begins by showcasing the Sonoran pronghorn, a species of antelope that is unique to the Southwest. Due to the destruction of their natural habitats and increased hunting, these pronghorns have become critically endangered with only a few hundred remaining in the wild. Anderson explains how conservationists are working to restore their habitats and rebuild the population.

Next, Anderson focuses on the Mexican gray wolf, the rarest and most endangered subspecies of gray wolf in the world. Once common throughout the Southwest, their numbers were severely depleted due to hunting and loss of habitat, leaving them on the brink of extinction. Anderson visits the wolf recovery facility and speaks with biologists working on reintroducing the wolves back into the wild. He explains the importance of keeping the wolf population healthy in order to maintain a healthy ecosystem.

Continuing on the theme of rewilding, Anderson travels to a remote area in southern Arizona where he sets up a camera trap to capture footage of jaguars. Jaguars were once common in the Southwest region, but due to habitat loss and hunting, there are currently no known breeding populations left. Anderson speaks with jaguar experts about their efforts to reintroduce the species back into the wild and how the jaguar plays a crucial role in maintaining the Southwest ecosystem.

Moving away from the endangerment of large mammals, Anderson turns his attention to the plight of the lesser prairie chicken, a species of bird that has undergone a 90% population decline in recent years. He explores the reasons behind their decline, including human-induced changes to the landscape and oil drilling, and highlights what can be done to preserve their habitats.

Finally, Anderson spotlights the importance of the Chiricahua leopard frog, a critically endangered species that is key to the ecosystem in the Southwest. The frog population has drastically decreased over the past several decades due to habitat loss and disease, leaving them on the brink of extinction. Anderson speaks with biologists working on reintroducing the frogs back into the wild and demonstrates the vital role they play in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

Throughout the episode, Anderson emphasizes the importance of preserving these endangered species and their habitats, as well as the role they play in maintaining a healthy and diverse ecosystem. He provides insights into the work of conservationists and researchers who are working to reintroduce these animals back into their natural habitats and offers a unique perspective on the challenges facing the Southwest region.

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  • First Aired
    February 1, 2014
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Language