Everleigh Opens Toys Season 1 Episode 3

Ep 3. 5 Year Old Everleigh Builds Her first Gingerbread House!

  • TV-PG
  • April 1, 2018
  • 9 min

5 Year Old Everleigh Builds Her first Gingerbread House! is the third episode of Everleigh Opens Toys, a popular YouTube series that follows the adventures of 5-year-old Everleigh Rose Soutas as she unboxes and plays with various toys.

In this episode, Everleigh is excited to build her very first gingerbread house. With the help of her mom, Savannah Soutas, and her stepdad, Cole LaBrant, she sets up a Christmas-themed work station complete with mini candy canes, gumdrops, and frosting.

The episode begins with Everleigh introducing herself and expressing her excitement for the gingerbread house. Savannah and Cole ask her what she thinks is the best part of building a gingerbread house, and Everleigh eagerly responds, "Decorating it!"

The trio then gets to work on building the house. Savannah helps Everleigh mix the icing and Cole shows her how to lay the foundation. Everleigh is in charge of placing the candy decorations on the house, and she takes her time carefully selecting which ones to use.

As the house takes shape, the family engages in light banter and jokes, with Savannah and Cole teasing each other about their gingerbread house building skills. Everleigh giggles along, but remains focused on her task at hand.

Once the house is built, Everleigh uses the leftover candy to decorate the rest of the gingerbread village. She takes pride in her creations, carefully placing each piece of candy in the right place. Savannah and Cole marvel at her artistic abilities, and they all declare the gingerbread house a success.

The episode ends with Everleigh and her family admiring their handiwork. The little girl is beaming with pride, proud of what she has accomplished. Savannah and Cole praise her for a job well done, and Everleigh beams with joy.

5 Year Old Everleigh Builds Her first Gingerbread House! is a heartwarming episode that showcases the joy of building something from scratch and the importance of family bonding. Plus, it's a festive and fun way to get into the Christmas spirit!

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  • First Aired
    April 1, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    9 min
  • Language