Watch Ensemble Stars
- 2019
- 2 Seasons
6.8 (56)
Ensemble Stars is a Japanese anime television series that premiered on Tokyo MX in 2019. The series is based on the free-to-play mobile game of the same name developed by Happy Elements and features an ensemble cast of male idols. The story follows Yumenosaki Private Academy, a school that specializes in educating male students in the art of becoming idols. The school is split into several units, each consisting of a group of students who work together to become the best idol group in the school. The main character, Yuta Hoshitani, is a first-year student who is determined to become an idol and joins the struggling unit Ra*bits. Along with his fellow Ra*bits members, he aims to compete in the school's annual music festival and become the top idol group in the school.
As the story progresses, Yuta and his friends are joined by other students who aim to become top idols, and they work together to overcome various challenges they face throughout their journey. The students face obstacles such as internal conflicts within their units, rivalries with other units, and personal issues such as stage fright and lack of confidence.
The characters are all unique and have distinct personalities and talents. The show focuses on each character's personal struggles and development as they work towards their goal of becoming idols. The show also explores the bonds between the students as they overcome challenges together, forming close friendships that they cherish.
The animation in Ensemble Stars is colorful and well-done, bringing the vibrant and energetic world of Yumenosaki Private Academy to life. The music, which is an integral part of the show, is also great, featuring catchy and upbeat tracks that are sure to get viewers tapping their feet.
While Ensemble Stars is a show that primarily targets a female audience, it has something for everyone to enjoy. The show features a mix of drama, comedy, and music, making it a well-rounded series that is sure to leave viewers entertained.
Overall, Ensemble Stars is a fantastic anime that is sure to delight viewers who love music, drama, and characters with heart. With its likable cast of characters and compelling storyline, it is a show that is well worth watching.
Ensemble Stars is a series that ran for 2 seasons (27 episodes) between July 7, 2019 and on Tokyo MX