Ep 11. Little Ed Blue
- November 17, 2003
- 22 min
Ed, Edd n' Eddy is a popular animated television series that originally aired on Cartoon Network. The show follows three boys - Ed, Edd (also known as Double D), and Eddy - as they embark on various adventures in their suburban neighborhood. In each episode, the boys typically come up with a scheme to make money that usually ends in hilarity and chaos.
Season 4, Episode 11 of Ed, Edd n' Eddy is titled "Little Ed Blue." The episode begins with Ed waking up with a strange blue complexion. Ed, being the simple-minded and humorous character that he is, immediately assumes that he has caught a rare disease that has turned him blue. However, Edd quickly realizes that the blue color is actually the result of over-indulging in blueberry-flavored jawbreakers.
Edd tries to convince Ed to stop eating the jawbreakers, but Ed refuses because he thinks they're delicious. Eddy, always the opportunist, sees an opportunity to make some money from Ed's condition. He convinces Ed to pose as an alien from another planet to scam their neighborhood friends out of money. They dress Ed up in a makeshift alien costume and send him out to "interact" with the other kids.
At first, the scam seems to be working. All the neighborhood kids are convinced that Ed is an alien and are willing to pay big money to see him perform tricks. However, things quickly take a turn for the worse when Ed's skin begins to turn purple. Edd realizes that the purple color is a result of Ed's body reacting to the blueberry flavoring in the jawbreakers, and that he could be in serious danger.
Edd tries to get Ed to stop eating the jawbreakers and go to the doctor, but Eddy sees this as a threat to their scam and refuses to let Ed stop. The situation becomes even more chaotic when the other neighborhood kids start to realize that they've been scammed and demand their money back. Eddy, always quick on his feet, tries to come up with a new scheme to make up for the lost money.
In the end, Ed's purple skin gradually returns to normal and he learns a valuable lesson about over-indulging in sweets. Eddy, while unsuccessful in his scam, learns that honesty and integrity are more important than making a quick buck.
Overall, "Little Ed Blue" is a classic episode of Ed, Edd n' Eddy that showcases the humor and wackiness that the show is known for. With its fast pace, clever writing, and lovable characters, the series has become a fan favorite that has entertained audiences for years.