East of Everything is an Australian drama television series that premiered on ABC on March 30, 2008. The show follows the story of a travel writer named Art Watkins (Richard Roxburgh), who returns to his hometown of Byron Bay to attend the funeral of his father. There, he rekindles his relationship with his brother, a musician named Vance (Tom Long), and gets drawn into the lives of the locals.
The show is set in the idyllic coastal town of Byron Bay, which is a popular tourist destination known for its surfing spots, sandy beaches, and lush hinterland. The town is also a hub for alternative lifestyles, hippies, and environmental activism. The landscapes and scenery of the town provide a breathtaking backdrop for the characters and their stories.
The main character, Art Watkins, is a cynical and jaded travel writer who has spent most of his life traveling the world and escaping his family and his past. He is reluctant to return to his hometown and deal with his past, but he finds himself drawn to the people and the community of Byron Bay. Through his interactions with the locals, Art begins to reconnect with his roots and his own identity.
Vance, Art's younger brother, is a talented musician who has struggled to find success in the competitive music industry. He is also dealing with a failed marriage and the challenges of being a single parent to his young daughter, Billie. Vance is the opposite of Art in many ways, he is optimistic, hopeful, and passionate about his music and his family.
The show explores the relationship between the two brothers, their past traumas, and the way they have coped with them differently. It also touches on themes such as family, love, grief, identity, and the meaning of home.
East of Everything is not just the story of the Watkins brothers. The show features a wide range of characters, each with their own storylines and struggles. There is Dan (Damien Garvey), a laid-back surfer who runs a local bar and has a crush on Art's ex-girlfriend. There is Huey (Val Lehman), a free-spirited woman who runs a spiritual retreat and offers Art guidance and support. There is Mel (Kat Stewart), a young waitress who dreams of becoming a photographer and who develops a romantic interest in Vance.
The show is filled with humor, drama, and heart. The characters are complex, believable, and relatable. The performances by the actors are outstanding, particularly Roxburgh and Long, who have a great chemistry on screen. The writing is sharp, insightful, and poignant, capturing the essence of life in a small town and the human experience in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.
In conclusion, East of Everything is a must-watch for anyone who loves drama, comedy, and great storytelling. It is a nostalgic ode to small-town life and a celebration of human relationships. The show is a testament to the richness and diversity of Australian television and a true gem that deserves to be discovered by a wider audience.
East of Everything is a series that ran for 2 seasons (13 episodes) between and on Acorn TV
IMDB Rating7.0 (315)
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