Scrooge McDuck, his three nephews, and their friend, Webby, continue their epic adventures in the second season of Disney's animated series, Ducktales. In the eighth episode, titled "Super Ducktales (3) - Full Metal Duck," they face their toughest challenge yet as they come across a powerful new enemy.
The episode begins with Launchpad McQuack flying Scrooge and his friends to the Sunchaser, their high-tech airplane. They are on their way to stop FOWL, an evil organization that has been causing trouble all over the world. With the help of Gizmoduck, another superhero in town, they are determined to put an end to FOWL's evil deeds once and for all.
However, their mission becomes more complicated when they find out that FOWL has a new weapon at their disposal. They have built a robotic suit called the Full Metal Duck, which is impervious to attack and has superhuman strength. With this suit, FOWL plans to take over the world and destroy anyone who gets in their way.
Scrooge and his team know that they cannot defeat the Full Metal Duck with their usual gadgets and weapons. They need something more powerful, something that can match the strength of this metal monstrosity. That's when Gizmoduck decides to step in and help. He takes on the Full Metal Duck in a epic battle, but it quickly becomes apparent that his suit is not enough.
The team then comes up with a plan to defeat the Full Metal Duck. They need to hack into its control system and shut it down from the inside. Launchpad takes control of the Sunchaser and flies it directly into the Full Metal Duck's head. Meanwhile, Webby and Huey come up with a code to hack into the suit's control panel.
As Launchpad crashes the Sunchaser into the Full Metal Duck, the team is thrown off balance. But they quickly recover and Huey successfully hacks into the suit's control system. The Full Metal Duck is shut down, and FOWL is defeated once and for all.
With their mission complete, Scrooge and his team return to McDuck Manor. The episode ends with them celebrating their victory, but also knowing that they must always be ready for whatever challenge comes their way next.
Overall, "Super Ducktales (3) - Full Metal Duck" is an action-packed episode that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. It features incredible battles and a tense showdown with an intelligent and indestructible enemy. Fans of the series will not want to miss this exciting installment in the second season of Ducktales.
CastJune ForayJoan GerberChuck McCann
First AiredMarch 26, 1989
Runtime21 min
IMDB Rating7.7 (303)
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