Drive Thru History Season 6 Episode 5

Ep 5. Ancient History: Turkish Delight, Part 1

  • September 4, 2017

Drive Thru History season 6 episode 5 takes viewers on a journey through Ancient History: Turkish Delight, Part 1. Host Dave Stotts takes viewers on an adventure through Turkey, exploring the rich history of civilization that spans thousands of years.

Beginning in Istanbul, Stotts introduces viewers to the city's stunning architecture and remarkable cultural heritage. The episode highlights the incredible ancient city of Ephesus, one of the largest and most well-preserved ancient cities in the world. Here, viewers will learn about the fascinating history of the city's inhabitants, including the Greeks, Romans, and even early Christians.

Throughout the episode, Stotts uses his signature humor and wit to engage with viewers, making history accessible and enjoyable for all ages. From exploring ancient ruins to sampling the local cuisine, viewers will experience a taste of Turkish culture in a way that only Drive Thru History can provide.

The episode also delves into the complex religious and political history of Turkey. From the conquests of the Ottoman Empire to the rise of Islam, viewers will gain a deeper understanding of the country's diverse and often turbulent past. Along the way, Stotts meets with local experts and historians, providing valuable insights into the significance of the sites and landmarks he visits.

Above all, Ancient History: Turkish Delight, Part 1 is a celebration of the rich cultural heritage of Turkey. From the majestic Hagia Sophia to the bustling bazaars of Istanbul, viewers will be transported to a world of wonder and discovery. With its stunning visuals, engaging storytelling, and insightful historical commentary, this episode of Drive Thru History is a must-see for anyone interested in the history of civilization.

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  • First Aired
    September 4, 2017
  • Language