Drive Thru History Season 6 Episode 2

Ep 2. Ancient History: Rome if You Want To

  • July 1, 2017

Drive Thru History is an engaging and informative history show that takes viewers on a journey through time to explore the most significant historical events. In Season 6 Episode 2, titled "Ancient History: Rome if You Want To," viewers get to dive into the history of Rome and discover the fascinating story of one of the most powerful empires in human history.

The episode is hosted by Dave Stotts, who takes viewers on a journey through the ancient city of Rome, exploring its most iconic landmarks such as the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Pantheon. The episode's primary focus is to delve into the history of Ancient Rome and to unveil the truth about this iconic civilization.

Dave Stotts guides viewers through the streets of Rome, sharing magnificent insights about the daily lives of the people who lived there. As he does, Stotts shares with viewers a wealth of fascinating historical tidbits, from the story of Julius Caesar's assassination to the fall of the Roman Empire.

As viewers explore the city, they'll get to see and discover many fascinating artifacts, such as actual chariots from the Colosseum. The episode carefully unravels the story of Ancient Rome, from its founding to the apex of its power, and paints an entirely different picture of this mighty civilization than many would expect.

One of the reasons why the episode is so compelling is that it goes beyond the usual textbook stories to reveal little-known facts and interesting nuggets of information. For instance, the Roman Colosseum was initially called the Flavian Amphitheatre. The arena was named after Flavius, the ruling family of the time, who financed its construction.

Throughout the episode, Stotts provides insightful commentary, providing context, and giving viewers a deep understanding of the events and circumstances that led to the rise and fall of Ancient Rome. The episode also covers the Roman Empire's influence on Western civilization, from architecture and politics to literature and philosophy.

The episode also touches upon the role of religion in Ancient Rome. Although the Romans had many gods, the worship of their gods was seen more as a civic duty than a spiritual one. The episode delves into the various religious practices, sacrifices, and ceremonies, giving viewers an inside look into the deeply held beliefs of the Roman people.

"Ancient History: Rome if You Want To" is an excellent episode that strikes precisely the right balance of history and entertainment. Through its informative commentary, stunning visual aids, and expertly crafted storytelling, it provides viewers with a fascinating look at a pivotal moment in human history.

Overall, this episode is an engaging and educational journey through one of the most fabled civilizations of all time. It takes viewers on a trip back in history to discover the complex society and culture of Ancient Rome, unraveling its past and tracing its influence on the world to this day. It's a perfect episode for anyone interested in learning about history, mythology, or simply the remarkable story of one of the greatest empires of all time.

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  • First Aired
    July 1, 2017
  • Language