Watch Dream Racers
- 2002
- 1 Season
Dream Racers is a four-part television series that originally aired on SBS in 2011. The show follows the journey of nine young Indigenous Australians as they work towards their dream of becoming professional car racers. The focus is on a group of boys and girls from the isolated Cape York region in far North Queensland, with an undercurrent of exploration of the challenges and issues that Indigenous Australians face in modern Australia.
The show follows the participants over a six-month period, as they are tasked with building and preparing a racing car from scratch, with the eventual goal of racing it in the annual Cairns-to-Cooktown charity rally. Each episode covers a different step in the process, from the initial design and building of the car, to the training and practice needed to become proficient racers.
Throughout the show, the struggles and triumphs of the participants are highlighted, as they push themselves to learn new skills and work together as a team. While there is a competitive element to the show, as each racer hopes to be selected for the final team to race in the rally, the focus is largely on the personal growth and development of each individual.
One of the key themes of the show is the role that the sport of car racing plays in the lives of the participants. For many of them, it represents an escape from the challenges and hardships of life in remote Indigenous communities. Racing is presented as a way to channel their energy and passion in a positive direction, building confidence and self-esteem along the way.
Another important aspect of the show is the exploration of the cultural identity of the participants, and how it informs their experiences and attitudes. The Indigenous heritage of the participants is woven throughout the series, with interviews and discussions exploring topics such as the importance of family, the struggle to maintain cultural traditions in a modern world, and the impact of colonialism on Indigenous communities.
Overall, Dream Racers is a compelling and inspiring look at a group of young people striving to achieve their dreams. With its focus on personal growth and teamwork, as well as the unique cultural perspective of the participants, the show stands out from other reality TV offerings.