Dragon Tales Season 2 Episode 16
Dragon Tales
Season 2

Ep 16. On Thin Ice / The Shape of Things to Come

  • TV-G
  • September 10, 2001
  • 24 min

On Thin Ice / The Shape of Things to Come is the sixteenth episode of the second season of Dragon Tales. In this episode, the dragons need to help a new dragon friend, Finn, learn how to ice skate so that he can participate in the ice games. The dragons learn the importance of being patient and encouraging their friend as he learns a new skill.

As the episode begins, the dragons are playing in the snow when they meet Finn, a new dragon friend. Finn wants to participate in the upcoming ice games but is nervous because he doesn't know how to ice skate. The dragons offer to help Finn learn how to skate so that he can compete in the games.

The first step in learning to skate is to find some ice. The dragons visit a frozen pond where they can practice their skating skills. They show Finn how to balance on the ice and how to move his feet. At first, Finn is unsteady and falls down several times. The dragons encourage Finn and remind him that it takes time and practice to learn a new skill.

As Finn continues to practice, the dragons notice that the ice is starting to crack. They realize that the ice is too thin and could break if they keep skating. They quickly leave the pond and warn others in the area to stay away from the dangerous ice. The dragons learn an important lesson about safety and being aware of their surroundings.

After the ice incident, the dragons decide to find a new place to practice skating. They visit a frozen waterfall where they can skate under the ice. Finn is nervous about skating under the ice, but the dragons encourage him to try. As they skate under the ice, they discover some amazing ice sculptures. Finn is fascinated by the shapes and colors of the sculptures and asks the dragons how they were made.

The dragons explain that the ice sculptures were created by a magical ice dragon named Glacia. Glacia creates beautiful ice sculptures every winter, and the dragons are excited to see her work. They visit Glacia's ice castle where they meet the friendly dragon and admire her sculptures. Glacia explains that she creates the sculptures by shaping the ice with her special powers.

The dragons are inspired by Glacia's sculptures and want to try making their own. They collect some ice and snow and begin shaping it into different shapes. Max makes a snow dragon, Emmy makes an ice castle, and Cassie makes a snowflake. Finn struggles to come up with an idea for his sculpture. The dragons encourage him to keep trying and give him some pointers.

Eventually, Finn comes up with an idea for his sculpture. He makes a statue of himself out of ice and snow. The other dragons are impressed with Finn's creativity and talent. They learn that everyone has their own unique way of expressing themselves, and that it's important to be supportive and encouraging of each other's abilities.

In the end, the dragons are ready for the ice games. Finn is excited to compete in the skating contest and shows off his new skills. The dragons cheer him on and offer him words of encouragement. Finn does a great job and wins the contest. The dragons celebrate their friendship and the joy of learning new things together.

Overall, On Thin Ice / The Shape of Things to Come is a heartwarming episode that teaches kids the importance of perseverance, safety, and being supportive of others. With its beautiful winter landscapes, magical creatures, and fun skating scenes, this episode is sure to delight young viewers.

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  • First Aired
    September 10, 2001
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language