Dragon Tales Season 1 Episode 5
Dragon Tales
Season 1

Ep 5. Pigment of Imagination / Zak's Song

  • TV-G
  • September 10, 1999
  • 24 min

Pigment of Imagination / Zak's Song is the fifth episode of season one of Dragon Tales, a popular children's animation television series that first aired on PBS in 1999. This episode introduces two exciting adventures that engage young viewers with vivid colors and creative storytelling.

In Pigment of Imagination, Emmy and Max are playing with their crayons when they accidentally drop one of them. Suddenly, a magical fairy named Quetzal appears and invites the kids to go on a journey to find the lost crayon. Along with their dragon friends, Cassie, Ord, and Zak, Emmy and Max use their imagination and creativity to enter a magical world filled with colors, shapes, and patterns.

As they venture through the maze-like realm, the dragons and kids work together to solve puzzles, overcome obstacles, and meet fantastical creatures. They encounter a singing tree, a red dragon who is good at riddles, and a purple dragon who loves to paint. The journey concludes when they finally reach the lost crayon, which is guarded by a giant spider. With bravery and teamwork, they retrieve the crayon and get transported back to the real world.

In Zak's Song, the second adventure in this episode, Zak is feeling sad because he can't seem to find his singing voice. Emmy and Max offer to help him, and they all fly on their dragon friends' backs to a magical island. There, they discover a crystal cave that has a mystical effect on voices.

The kids and dragons sing together in the cave, and Zak realizes that his voice is not lost, but rather just hidden. As he sings with his friends, his confidence grows and he discovers his unique style and sound. The episode ends with a musical performance by Zak and the dragons, showcasing his newfound talent.

Overall, Pigment of Imagination / Zak's Song is a colorful and imaginative episode that encourages children to use their creativity and believe in themselves. The adventures are filled with fun and excitement, and the characters are relatable and endearing. Children will enjoy watching Emmy and Max explore the magical world with their dragon friends, and they may be inspired to sing along with Zak and the dragons.

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  • First Aired
    September 10, 1999
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language