Dragon Tales Season 1 Episode 3
Dragon Tales
Season 1

Ep 3. Knot a Problem / Ord's Unhappy Birthday

  • TV-G
  • September 8, 1999
  • 24 min
  •   (16)

Knot a Problem / Ord's Unhappy Birthday is an episode of Dragon Tales season 1. In this episode, the young dragon siblings, Emmy and Max, visit the magical realm of Dragon Land and have two different adventures.

In "Knot a Problem," Emmy and Max find themselves in a sticky situation when they get tangled up in bramble bushes. They try to free themselves, but the more they struggle, the more entangled they become. The situation continues to worsen when Cassie, a friendly dragon, comes along and also gets caught in the brambles. With no way to free themselves, they call on their dragon friends, who devise a plan to save them.

This episode teaches the valuable lesson of asking for help when you need it. Emmy and Max learn that struggling on their own only made the situation worse, but with the help of their friends, they were able to free themselves and Cassie.

In "Ord's Unhappy Birthday," the focus shifts to Ord, one of the dragon siblings' friends. Ord loves celebrating his birthday, but this year, he's feeling down because his family is away on vacation. Emmy, Max, and their dragon friends try to cheer Ord up by throwing him a surprise party and making him a special birthday present.

This episode highlights the importance of friendship and the power of kindness. The dragons' efforts to make Ord feel loved and appreciated show that even when things don't go as planned, you can still find joy in the people around you.

Overall, "Knot a Problem / Ord's Unhappy Birthday" is a fun and heartwarming episode of Dragon Tales that teaches valuable lessons about teamwork, asking for help, and the importance of friendship.

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  • First Aired
    September 8, 1999
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language