Dragon Hunters Season 1 Episode 11
Dragon Hunters
Season 1

Ep 11. The Name is Dragon

  • October 25, 2006
  • 24 min

The show Dragon Hunters follows the adventures of two dragon hunters, Lian-Chu and Gwizdo, as they travel around the world seeking out and capturing dangerous dragons for a living. In season 1 episode 11, titled "The Name is Dragon," the duo sets out on a new mission to capture a particularly troublesome dragon that has been wreaking havoc on a nearby village.

The dragon in question is known as the "Nameless Dragon," as no one has ever been able to capture it or even get close enough to give it a proper name. The villagers are terrified of the dragon and have been offering a reward for its capture for many years, but so far no one has been successful.

Lian-Chu and Gwizdo arrive in the village to find out more about the dragon and to begin planning a strategy for its capture. They soon learn that the dragon is extremely intelligent and cunning, and has managed to avoid capture by outwitting all of its would-be captors. The villagers tell stories of the dragon's incredible strength and speed, as well as its ability to camouflage itself so well that it can blend in with its surroundings.

Undeterred by these challenges, Lian-Chu and Gwizdo set out to track down the Nameless Dragon - but not before they buy some supplies, including a large amount of explosives. They soon discover that the dragon has laid a trap for them, and they narrowly escape with their lives.

As the day wears on, Lian-Chu and Gwizdo continue to search for the elusive dragon, but they begin to realize that they are severely outmatched. Just when it seems that all hope is lost, they receive unexpected help from an unlikely source: an old, blind dragon hunter who claims to have captured the Nameless Dragon many years ago.

With the old man's guidance, Lian-Chu and Gwizdo are able to finally track down the Nameless Dragon and engage it in a fierce battle. The dragon is indeed incredibly strong, but Lian-Chu and Gwizdo are able to use their wits and their explosives to gain the upper hand. In the end, they are able to capture the Nameless Dragon and deliver it to the grateful villagers, who finally give the dragon a name of its own.

Season 1 episode 11 of Dragon Hunters, "The Name is Dragon," is a thrilling adventure that showcases the incredible bravery and ingenuity of the show's two heroes. With its exciting battle scenes, clever plot twists, and heartwarming resolution, this episode is a must-see for fans of the series and newcomers alike.

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  • First Aired
    October 25, 2006
  • Runtime
    24 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    0.0  (0)