Dragon Hunters Season 1 Episode 10
Dragon Hunters
Season 1

Ep 10. Who's Lost Their Head Now?

  • October 14, 2006

In Dragon Hunters season 1 episode 10, titled "Who's Lost Their Head Now?", the Dragon Hunters Lian-Chu and Gwizdo are on a mission to catch a particularly vicious dragon known as the Darkos. But their plan is disrupted when Gwizdo's head becomes separated from his body, causing chaos and confusion in the hunt.

As they continue their quest, Gwizdo's disembodied head is kidnapped by a mischievous group of fairies who refuse to let him go until he fulfills their demands. Meanwhile, Lian-Chu enlists the help of a local expert to try and capture the Darkos, but discovers that they may be facing an even greater threat than they bargained for.

Throughout the episode, the humor and wit of the Dragon Hunters shines through as they navigate through the complicated challenges of their task, all while being one head short. The stakes continue to rise as Lian-Chu and Gwizdo face off against their various opponents, culminating in a thrilling and action-packed finale that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.

Overall, "Who's Lost Their Head Now?" is a hilarious and entertaining episode of Dragon Hunters that showcases the creative and adventurous spirit of the series. With its imaginative world-building, lovable characters, and exciting plot twists, this episode is sure to delight fans of the show and newcomers alike.

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  • First Aired
    October 14, 2006
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    0.0  (0)