Watch Dragon Crisis
- 2010
- 1 Season
6.0 (193)
Dragon Crisis! is a Japanese anime television series that aired in 2011. The show was adapted from a light novel series written by Kizaki Kaya and illustrated by Itsuki Akata. Dragon Crisis! tells the story of a high school student named Ryuuji Kisaragi, who lives with his cousin Eriko Futami. One day, Ryuuji discovers a girl named Rose in a suitcase he received from a friend of his late father's. Rose is actually a dragon girl, and Ryuuji soon finds himself in the middle of a conflict between different dragon clans who are after Rose.
The show is set in a world where dragons exist, and are highly sought after by collectors who believe they have magical powers. Ryuuji, being the hero of the show, is drawn into a world of dragons and danger after discovering Rose. The show is set in a modern day Japan, but with the added element of dragons to the mix.
Ryuuji is a likable character who is willing to do whatever it takes to protect Rose, who is initially quite naive and innocent. Eriko is also a fun character who adds a bit of humor to the show, and also serves as a bit of a mentor to Ryuuji.
There are several other characters that are introduced throughout the show, each with their own motivations and backstories. One of the more interesting characters is a girl named Ai, who is actually a golem that was created by Ryuuji's father. Ai is programmed with a variety of skills, which makes her a valuable asset to Ryuuji and his group. However, like all golems, Ai lacks the ability to feel emotions, which makes for an interesting dynamic between her and the other characters.
Dragon Crisis! is a show that is heavy on action, as Ryuuji and his friends are constantly being pursued by different dragon clans. The battles are well choreographed, and the use of magic and dragon powers adds another layer of excitement to the fights.
In addition to the action, there is also a bit of romance in the show. Ryuuji and Rose's relationship develops over the course of the series, and there are several other characters who have their own romantic subplots.
One of the strengths of Dragon Crisis! is its animation. The show is brightly colored, and the character designs are detailed and expressive. The dragons themselves are well-designed and look suitably menacing when they need to be.
Overall, Dragon Crisis! is an entertaining show that has a bit of something for everyone. It has action, romance, humor, and an interesting magical world filled with dragons. The characters are likable, and the animation is top-notch. Fans of anime and fantasy will surely enjoy this show.
Dragon Crisis is a series that ran for 1 seasons (12 episodes) between December 6, 2010 and on YTV