Dr. Phil Show Season 15 Episode 191
Dr. Phil Show
Season 15

Ep 191. Abducted Twice, Brainwashed and Molested: Actress Jan Broberg's Story

  • October 6, 2017

In season 15 episode 191 of the Dr. Phil Show, the topic is centered around actress Jan Broberg's shocking story of being abducted, brainwashed, and molested. Jan shares her story with Dr. Phil, recounting her childhood and her experience of being targeted by a family friend and neighbor.

Jan explains how she was abducted not once, but twice, and how her abductor, Bob Berchtold, used psychological manipulation tactics to brainwash her. He convinced her that he was doing everything out of love and that they were meant to be together. Jan was only 12 years old at the time.

Berchtold, who was also a family friend, used his position of trust to groom Jan's family and gradually gain access to her. He took her on trips, played board games with her, and gradually worked his way into her inner circle. Jan's family even trusted him enough to allow him to take her on a solo trip, where he eventually abducted her.

Jan's testimony is heart-wrenching as she explains how Berchtold sexually assaulted her and threatened to kill her and her family if she told anyone. She discusses the intense guilt she felt and shares her experience of being groomed into thinking that the situation was her fault.

Jan's story is a testament to the power of brainwashing and emotional manipulation. Dr. Phil dives deeper into the topic of grooming and how abusers use it to their advantage. He helps Jan understand that she was not at fault and that Berchtold is solely to blame for his actions.

The episode is emotional and intense as Jan shares her story with the world. Dr. Phil provides support and guidance as she navigates her trauma and helps her move towards healing. It's a powerful episode that highlights the importance of recognizing the warning signs of grooming and the impact it can have on a victim's life.

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  • First Aired
    October 6, 2017
  • Language