Dr. Phil Show Season 15 Episode 153
Dr. Phil Show
Season 15

Ep 153. Exclusive: Aaron Hernandez's Fiancee Breaks Her Silence

  • May 15, 2017

Exclusive: Aaron Hernandez's Fiancee Breaks Her Silence is the 153rd episode of the 15th season of the Dr. Phil Show, featuring an emotional interview with Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez, the fiancée of NFL player Aaron Hernandez who committed suicide while serving a life sentence for murder in 2017. This episode is a never-before-seen conversation between Dr. Phil and Ms. Jenkins-Hernandez, where she opens up about her relationship with Hernandez, his shocking suicide, and her life after his death.

At the beginning of the episode, Dr. Phil sets the scene by discussing Aaron Hernandez's highly publicized downfall, including his promising career in the NFL, his conviction of murder, and his eventual suicide. Dr. Phil then introduces Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez, who has remained largely silent in the three years since her fiancé's death, until now. Shayanna shares candid and emotional details about her life with Aaron, including how they met, fell in love, and started a family together. She discusses the difficulties she faced after Aaron was arrested for murder and the public scrutiny she received. Shayanna reveals that she was left with a lot of unanswered questions after his suicide, including why he did it and whether he truly loved her or was using her as a cover-up.

Throughout the episode, Dr. Phil provides a supportive and empathetic ear to Shayanna, as she shares her candid and emotional story. He also asks insightful questions to help her reflect on what she went through. Shayanna's interview is deeply personal and heartbreaking, as she talks about her deep love and devotion to Aaron, and the overwhelming emotions she experienced after he took his own life. However, it is also a powerful moment of courage and strength, as she speaks out about the stigma of being the partner of someone who committed such serious crimes.

The episode also features interviews with Shayanna's mother, Jodi, and her best friend, Holly, who offer their own unique perspectives on her relationship with Aaron, as well as the impact of his death on Shayanna's life. We also hear from experts in psychology, medicine, and the law, who provide insight into why Aaron Hernandez may have done what he did, as well as the effects of trauma and grief on the human mind.

Overall, Exclusive: Aaron Hernandez's Fiancee Breaks Her Silence is a powerful and emotional episode that sheds light on a tragic story that has captured the attention of the nation. Through Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez's interview, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of love, loss, and grief, and the ripple effects that a single act can have on the lives of others. Dr. Phil provides a supportive and empathetic environment for Shayanna to share her story and offers insights on how to cope with traumatic events and the aftermath of loss. This episode is a must-watch for anyone interested in the human experience and the power of love and resilience in the face of adversity.

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  • First Aired
    May 15, 2017
  • Language