In season 15 episode 149 of the Dr. Phil Show, titled "My Father Brainwashed Me to Be His Wife," the show delves into the dark and disturbing story of a woman who claims her father brainwashed her into being his romantic partner.
The episode introduces Kirsten, a 29-year-old woman who has been living with her father for the past year. She explains that she is in a romantic relationship with her dad and that she believes they are meant to be together. Kirsten says that her father began manipulating and brainwashing her when she was just a child, and that he has been grooming her for years to become his partner.
Kirsten's story is shocking and unsettling, and host Dr. Phil McGraw seeks to get to the bottom of what is really going on. He starts by talking to Kirsten's father, who denies any wrongdoing and insists that he and his daughter are in a consensual and loving relationship.
Dr. Phil then sits down with Kirsten to hear her side of the story. She reveals that her father would often say things to her like "I wish you were 10 years older" or "I can't wait until you're legal." Kirsten says that her father began molesting her when she was just 12 years old, and that he has been manipulating her ever since. She believes that her father genuinely loves her and that they are meant to be together, but Dr. Phil is quick to point out that their relationship is not only illegal, but also morally reprehensible.
Throughout the episode, Dr. Phil speaks with a number of experts to better understand the psychology of brainwashing and manipulation. He talks with Dr. Judith Joseph, a clinical psychologist, who explains that brainwashing can happen to anyone, regardless of their age or intelligence. She explains that brainwashing is a gradual process that involves breaking down a person's sense of self, isolating them from others, and manipulating them through fear and love.
Dr. Phil also speaks with Lynn Tolson, a victim's advocate and author, who shares her own experiences with brainwashing. Lynn was brainwashed by her ex-husband and spent years in a controlling and abusive relationship. She explains that brainwashing is a form of emotional abuse that can leave a person feeling trapped and powerless.
Throughout the episode, Dr. Phil emphasizes the importance of getting Kirsten help and breaking the cycle of abuse. He urges Kirsten to leave her father and seek therapy to begin the healing process. Ultimately, the episode serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of manipulation and brainwashing, and the importance of seeking help if you or someone you know is experiencing abuse.
In "My Father Brainwashed Me to Be His Wife," the Dr. Phil Show tackles a disturbing and difficult topic with sensitivity and compassion. Through the stories of Kirsten and other survivors of abuse, the show sheds light on the damaging effects of brainwashing and manipulation, and encourages viewers to seek help if they or someone they know is in a similar situation.
CastPhil McGraw
First AiredMay 9, 2017
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