Dokkoida?! is a sci-fi comedy anime series produced by the Genco animation studio. The show is directed by Tatsuya Egawa and written by Seishi Minakami, with character design by Mutsumi Sasaki. The series premiered on October 5, 2003, and aired for twelve episodes on the TV Tokyo channel. The show was later dubbed in English and aired on The Anime Network.
The story of Dokkoida?! takes place in the city of Neo-Saitama in the year 2055. In this future world, people can become superheroes by joining the Galaxy Federation Police (GFP). The GFP is an organization that rewards its members with special suits that grant them superhuman abilities. One of the newest members to join the GFP is a young man named Suzuo Sakurazaki (voiced by Daisuke Namikawa).
Suzuo is a struggling actor who is hoping to make it big in the entertainment industry. He joined the GFP as a way to earn money and support himself while pursuing his dreams. However, he quickly discovers that being a superhero is not as glamorous as he thought it would be. Suzuo is assigned the codename Dokkoida, and he is quickly thrust into a world of danger and intrigue.
As Dokkoida, Suzuo must fight against a group of evil aliens known as the Darknuts. The Darknuts are a ruthless race of aliens who are intent on conquering the galaxy. They are led by a woman named Patricia (voiced by Kotono Mitsuishi), who is a powerful and cunning strategist.
To assist him in his battles against the Darknuts, Suzuo is given a robot companion named Ruri (voiced by Kaori Shimizu). Ruri is a cute and bubbly robot who has a wide range of special abilities. Ruri also serves as Suzuo's secretary, keeping track of his missions and making sure he is always on the right track.
As the series progresses, Suzuo becomes more adept at his job as Dokkoida. He learns more about the Darknuts and their plans, and he develops a strong bond with his fellow GFP members. Along the way, he also encounters a number of other unique and interesting characters, including a rival superhero named Tanpopo (voiced by Rie Kugimiya) and a mysterious woman named Kurika (voiced by Sayaka Ohara).
Dokkoida?! is a fast-paced and entertaining anime series that blends science fiction with comedy. The show features a colorful cast of characters, each with their own unique personalities and quirks. The animation is bright and energetic, and the action scenes are well choreographed and exciting.
Overall, Dokkoida?! is a fun and enjoyable anime series that is sure to entertain fans of science fiction and comedy. With its engaging storyline, memorable characters, and vibrant animation, this series is a must-watch for anyone who loves a good sci-fi adventure.
CastKaori ShimizuKotono MitsuishiRie KugimiyaDaisuke NamikawaKenichi Ogata
Premiere DateJuly 5, 2003
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