Dog's Most Wanted Season 1 Episode 8

Ep 8. Beth's Final Hunt Pt.1

  • October 23, 2019

Beth Chapman, the devoted wife of Dog the Bounty Hunter, passed away in June 2019, leaving behind a legacy of helping bring criminals to justice. In this episode of Dog's Most Wanted, we see the beginning of Beth's final hunt.

As the episode opens, we see Dog and the team in Colorado, hunting for a fugitive who has been on the run for several months. This is one of the last hunts Beth will join, and she is determined to make it count. Despite her physical limitations due to her battle with cancer, Beth remains as tough and determined as ever.

The team sets up a sting operation, hoping to lure the fugitive out of hiding. They plant a bait car and wait for the target to take the bait. Soon enough, the fugitive takes the car and starts driving. The team follows closely behind, hoping to apprehend him quickly and without incident.

As they follow the fugitive through the winding roads of the Colorado mountains, Beth's health begins to deteriorate. She starts to experience pain and discomfort, but refuses to let it slow her down. Despite the danger and the difficult terrain, Beth remains focused on the task at hand, determined to catch the fugitive and bring him to justice.

Finally, they catch up with the fugitive and he flees on foot. Beth and the team give chase, but as they navigate through the brush and rocky terrain, Beth is injured. Despite her injuries, she remains steadfast in her pursuit of the fugitive.

Meanwhile, Dog and the rest of the team continue the chase, eventually apprehending the fugitive and bringing him to justice. But Beth's injury proves to be more serious than they anticipated, and they must take her to the hospital for medical attention.

As the episode ends, we see Beth in the hospital, receiving treatment for her injuries. Despite the pain and discomfort, she remains strong and focused on the hunt. This is just the beginning of her final hunt, and we can't wait to see how the team will persevere in her honor.

Overall, this episode of Dog's Most Wanted is a testament to Beth Chapman's strength, courage, and determination. Despite her battle with cancer and the physical toll it takes on her, she remains committed to bringing criminals to justice and making the world a safer place. Her legacy lives on through her work with Dog the Bounty Hunter and the incredible team they have assembled.

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  • First Aired
    October 23, 2019
  • Language