Ep 3. Ghost Of A Chance
- July 25, 2021
Dog: Impossible is an American television series that premiered on the National Geographic channel. The show follows dog behavior specialist Matt Beisner, who works with dogs and their owners to resolve various behavioral issues and strengthen their relationships. In season 2 episode 3, titled Ghost Of A Chance, Matt Beisner takes on a challenging case involving a dog named Ghost.
Ghost is a Belgian Malinois who was trained as a military K-9. After completing his service, Ghost was adopted by his current owner, a woman named Sharon. Despite being an experienced dog owner, Sharon struggled to manage Ghost's aggressive and unpredictable behavior, especially when encountering other dogs. She was afraid that he would hurt someone or another animal. Sharon reached out to Matt Beisner for help before it's too late.
Matt meets with Sharon and Ghost to begin the behavior modification process. He learns that Ghost has had a traumatic past and has been through a lot of changes in his life. This has led to anxiety and heightened aggression towards other dogs. Matt decides to start by helping Ghost build confidence and trust in himself and his owner.
The first step is to take Ghost on a walk, which is a source of anxiety for both him and Sharon. Matt shows Sharon how to use positive reinforcement to calm Ghost's nerves and build a positive association with the walk. They slowly build their way up to being around other dogs, with Matt showing Sharon how to create safe boundaries and how to control Ghost's behavior.
As the training progresses, Matt works on creating trust between Sharon and Ghost. He teaches Sharon how to be a strong and confident leader for her dog, which in turn, helps Ghost feel safe and secure. Matt also involves Sharon in hands-on training sessions with Ghost, which helps her build a deeper bond with her dog.
Throughout the episode, viewers see the progress that Ghost makes with Matt and Sharon's help. He becomes calmer and more focused, and his aggression towards other dogs decreases significantly. Sharon becomes more confident in her ability to handle her dog, and their relationship strengthens.
Ghost Of A Chance is a heartwarming episode that showcases the power of dog training and how it can transform the relationship between a dog and its owner. Matt Beisner's expertise and compassionate approach help Sharon and Ghost overcome their fears and restore their confidence. The episode highlights the importance of patience, consistency, and attention to detail when working with animals. Overall, it's a must-watch for all dog lovers and anyone interested in understanding canine behavior.