Divorce Court Season 20 Episode 5
Divorce Court
Season 20

Ep 5. Miles vs. Miles

  • TV14
  • September 10, 2018

In season 20 episode 5 of Divorce Court, titled "Miles vs. Miles," we see the court dealing with a case that is a classic tale of "he said, she said." The couple in question, Mr. and Mrs. Miles, have been married for around 10 years and are seeking a divorce. Both parties have very different ideas about why their marriage fell apart, and both accuse the other of unfaithfulness and immaturity.

As the episode begins, we see both parties sitting in the courtroom looking tense and unhappy. Mrs. Miles, who is seeking the divorce, begins by telling her side of the story. She explains that she has always felt neglected and unloved by her husband. According to her, Mr. Miles has always put his own needs first, neglecting her emotional and physical needs. She accuses him of being unfaithful, and claims that he has cheated on her multiple times during their marriage.

Mr. Miles, on the other hand, denies all of these accusations. He argues that he has always been a good husband, and that he loves his wife deeply. He claims that Mrs. Miles has been the one who has been unfaithful, and that she has cheated on him with numerous partners. He also accuses her of being overly controlling and demanding, saying that she expects him to be at her beck and call all the time.

As the case unfolds, we see both parties offer up evidence to support their claims. Mrs. Miles presents text messages and emails from other women that she says prove Mr. Miles has been cheating on her. She also shows pictures of him with other women on social media. Mr. Miles, on the other hand, presents phone records and text messages that he says prove that Mrs. Miles has been cheating on him.

Throughout the episode, the two parties get increasingly heated, yelling at each other and attempting to talk over one another. At one point, the judge has to intervene and remind them to remain calm and respectful towards each other.

The judge, Judge Lynn Toler, is a seasoned veteran of the show, and throughout the episode, we see her attempt to get to the bottom of the couple's issues. She asks probing questions, trying to uncover the truth about their marriage. At times, we see her frustration with the two parties, as they seem more interested in arguing with each other than getting to the root of their issues.

As the episode comes to a close, we see Judge Toler deliver her verdict. Without giving away any spoilers, it's safe to say that the resolution of this case is not what either party expected.

Overall, season 20 episode 5 of Divorce Court is a tense and emotional episode that offers a glimpse into the struggles that many couples face when trying to navigate the end of a marriage. Despite the arguments and accusations, it's clear that both parties are hurting and in need of some closure. Whether or not they find it in the courtroom remains to be seen.

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  • First Aired
    September 10, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Language